Chapter 25

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Lukes POV

 After we put all the decorations up we both took Jayde to nursery then decided to go christmas shopping. 

We pulled up at the shopping centre to begin our shop. We've already got a few things and I already have two of Cara's presents but I need to get her more. She said she already has mine but isn't sure if I will like it or not but to be honest having her and Jayde in my life is gift enough as it is.

"What about this?" She said knocking me out of my thoughts. She was holding up some type of car for a child.

"Yeah I guess" I am so rubbish at shopping. I don't even know why I came. 

She put it in the trolley and picked up other toys like dolls,teddies and other things. We stopped off at a clothing shop for babies and bought some outfits for Jayde.

Cara's phone began to rang so she answered and seemed very happy about what whoever it is said.

"What's happened?" I asked putting my arm around her.

"Joe,Caspar,Alife and Zoe have all chipped in and put money into my bank so I can get myself something." She told me.

"What are you going to get?" I asked.

"Something i've wanted forever" She said then walked into Topshop. A boring girl shop i'm guessing.

She walked straight over to the dress rail and began to look at a grey dress. It was quite plain but it was nice, the parts that are around the hip area were cut out and it was long but not to long. She looked at the price tag then bit her lip and put it back. I walked over to her and looked at it too. It was £85, maybe I could get it for her as a present?

"Why don't you try it on?" A man came up to her. He was tall,had tanned skin, quiffed hair and was interested in her breast area.

"Oh. I don't have the money" She said to him. He continued to stare at her area so I put my arm around her then kissed her cheek. He looked me dead in the eye and I death glared him back.

"Cara try it on. If you like it then just say" I said to her.

"I guess theres no harm in trying it on" She said and he guided her to the dressing room.

Cara's POV.

I slipped the dress over my head then pulled it down. When I looked in the mirror I absaloutly adored it. It made me look much thinner then I was, it covered all my lumps and bumps and was perfectly fitted.

"You done? Come out I want to see!" Luke said from the otherside of the curtain. I walked out and he looked me up and down along with the other guy who worked there.

"You look beautiful" Luke said.

"I really like it but I have no money to get it. I'd rather spend my money on you and Jayde then myself to be honest" I admitted and he shook his head.

I went back into the changing room and put on my red strapless top,leggings on then my boots then put my coat on and walked out with the dress in my hand.

"Its a shame that looked good on you" The man said and I looked at him weirdly.

"Thanks" I said awkwardly. I put the dress back on the rail then walked towards the exit but Luke didn't follow.

"Luke? You coming?" I said to him.

"I wanna find something for my mum. I'll meet you at the starbucks" He said and I walked out of the shop.

I done some more shopping. I finished getting Lukes. I got him some band shirts that he kept saying he wanted, a All Time Low vinyl and a rollex watch because he told me he's never owned a watch. I also bought my mum a necklace, Jack a football top, Adam some aftershave then got Katy some perfume. Sightings of her have been seen but nothing has been confirmed. Mum said Jack isn't taking the news so well. Apparently he's been drinking vodka and smoking to ease the pain that his sister could be dead or tortured. Mum said she'd rather have him smoking and drinking then hurting himself. Obvouisly she doesn't want him doing anything but she doesn't want him hurting himself.

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