Chapter 24

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Lukes POV

Since it was our last night in LA we decided to take a well earned night out into one of LA's best nightclubs.

Yes I was having fun but there is just one situation I want to get out of and its my current situation that invold a half drunk me and a very drunk slut.

"So whats you name again?" She slurred.

"Luke" I said not showing interest in her.

"Well i'm Lacey" She winked grabbing onto me.

"Don't touch me. I have a girlfriend and daughter" I said and pushed her off.

"Where are they know? Don't they know how to have fun? Are they just loners that stay at home?" She suddenly became interested.

My phone buzzed saving me from the awkward situation.

New message 'My girl <3'

'Hey babe, fancy a skype? I've had a really shit day:( could use a cheer up and also Jayde isn't feeling too well and wants her daddy xxxx'

It read and I walked away to find the door so I could head to the hotel for a skype.

Someone grabbed onto my arm, I turned around with fury in my eyes but I saw it was just Calum.

"C'mon mate. We will leave in a minute! We're not coming back to LA until the end of next month and we will only be there for two day! C'mon this club is only open once a month!" He tried to persuade me but I shook my head.

"No, my daughter is ill and my girl is upset" I protested.

"You're whipped" He laughed "A girl gives you a child and your suddenly all daddy. She seems to think you can stop living just because your dating and she is the mother of you child" He rudely said.

"Its not like that!" I snapped.

"Then prove it!" He tried to be smart "Prove your not whipped and actually have a life that doesn't revole around nappy changing and playing in parks with little children" He added.

"Fine!" I said but pulled my phone out to text quickly.

'To My girl <3'

Sorry babe, busy at the studio and not much signal :( i'll be on the plane tomorrow morning and i'll be with you for that night <3' 

I sent it then joined the table that was full of half dressed girls and the lads. I sat awkwardly sipping on the small glass of spirit I bought.

My phone was going mental for twitter notifications so I pulled it out and scrolled through twitter.

'@JamesTheVamps- @Caraannerich Answer your phone please! You're beginning to worry me!'

'@Caraanerich- @Luke5SOS Please call me? Need you more then anything right now :('

'@Caraanerich- @Joe_Sugg Come round? Really need a mate right now. Worst news'

'@Joe_Sugg- Cheer up Car <3 It will all get better @Caraannerich'

'@Joe_Sugg- @Caraanerich Cars broke down :/ feel free to pop by now?'

I'd be lying if I said I wasn't worried just so I can sound hard infront of everyone.

My phone buzzed again for another twitter notification.

'@Caraanerich- Ergh, things can't get any worse right now and its right on top of Christmas how great'

I was curious but it was probably nothing. It was probably a broken tap or Jayde won't sleep. I do deserve a life too. I think i'm just listening to Calum too much.

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