Chapter 1

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Cara's POV

*1 year later, winter 2015*

"And up next is Aussie rockband 5 Seconds Of Summer!" The interviewer said and then I saw them. I groaned and swiched channels.

"You can't avoid seeing them on tv forever!" Joe said from behind me. Joe is my room mate. He's a youtuber, we've been friends for awhile and since i needed a place to stay he was more then happy to have me and Jayde live with him. Jayde is 1 now she's growing up so fast its scary!

"They're getting more known now Cara, sooner or later you will be forced to watch one of the interviews" Joe added.

He's right but the bigger they get the more I know Luke has forgotten that he does have a child.

"The more famous they get the more i know he has forgotten about Jayde. I always wanted my child to have both her parents with her which is something i have never had" I sighed.

"I'm gonna take Jayde to the park for a bit. To get some fresh air" I told him and walked into her room. I picked her up and pulled her pink coat over her since it was quite chilly out.




I placed her on the swing and started to push her back and forth as she is to young to push herself.

"Mummy, can I have chocolate please?" She said in toddler tone.

"Of course you can" I smiled and got her out. I took her hand then we walked over to the shop. I got her a packet of chocolate buttons and we sat on the park bench while i fed her the chocolate.

"Mummy why is that man staring at us?" She mumbled.

"What man?" I said and looked where she was pointing.

Oh fuck.

"He looks like daddy!" She grinned. She has only seen pictures of Luke, i knew it wasn't fair her not to know her father so i showed her picture and she has seen the music videos.

My eyes locked onto his and i gulped and quickly took her hand so we could walk away.

Lukes POV

I was taking a walk home away from the interview and walked through the park. When I reached the end sitting on the bench i planned to sit on was a very beautiful girl with a cute child. The girl had long brown hair, light demin jeans and a peach jumper with white nikes on. The child had cute navy leggings on and a pink puff jacket.


Is that


Her eyes locked onto mine and she quickly took a exit with the child.

My child.

Should i run after her?

No I hate Cara.

Fuck it.

"Cara wait!" I said running as fast as i could. She soon had to stop since she came to a road.

"What!" She snapped.

"I just...Er" I stuttered. Why am i stuttering if i hate the girl?

"You just what?" She impatiently said.

"Can we sit?" I suggested and looked at the bench that had shelter over it.

"Fine" I said through her teeth and walked ahead of me to the bench with the kid skipping.

I caught up with her and we sat down. I sat infront of the child and I have to admit she looks a lot like me. She has blonde hair,blue eyes and my shaped nose. She has Cara's bone structure though.

"Hello little miss!" A man that was holding balloons smiled "Would you like a balloon?" He said to the child and she looked up at Cara who reached for her bag.

"How much?" Cara asked the man.

"£2.20" He grinned.

"Bloody hell" Cara whispered counting out her money that she was struggling to get out. I reached into my pocket and pulled out the exact amount of money. Cara gave me a sad look then put her money back. The child took the balloon.

"Thank you sir" She smiled to me in a toddler tone and i smiled back.

"You know if you needed money you should have asked" I told her.

"Jayde go play on the swings i'll be over in a minute" she told the child and she ran off to the swings.

Cara looked me dead in the eye then spoke.

"Asked you? I texted you, called you, wrote to you even contacted your manager but you kept saying you had no idea who i was!" She half yelled "Do you think its easy looking after a child when i barely get any work? I have to buy her new clothes basically everyday, pay my rent on the flat which is £200 a mounth, chip in for food and manage to buy myself some clothes! I'm only on £300 a month how about you try and look after yourself,keep a flat and raise a child on £300 a month!" she half yelled again with tears forming in her eyes.


Why is she making me feel this bad.

"You should of put her up for adoption" I shrugged. If she is struggling this bad then that's the best idea.

Her face dropped after i said that.

"Adoption!" She yelled in my face standing up.

"You said you was struggling!" I defended myself.

"Maybe if her dad gave me even the slightest bit of money then i wouldn't be!" She yelled "Wether you like it or not your her fucking dad Luke! Its about time you realised it!" She yelled balling her fists.

"I can't afford to keep myself, a career and a child! For god sake!" I yelled back.

I soon felt something hard hit my cheek.

Her fist.

How many times is she going to punch me?

"Fuck you Luke Hemmings! Stay out of my fucking way and my fucking life you cunt!" She yelled and kneed me in the croach. I bent over in pain and she ran over to Jayde.

"Why the hell would i want to know a child that is named after James' old one!" I yelled. I didn't mean it. I'm angry. People say things they don't mean when they're angry.

"What did you just say?" She said coming closer to me. I didn't say anything.

"Your pathetic" She spat then walked away with Jayde holding her hand.

I can tell she's crying. I'm such a idiot.

She's right.

I do need to sit and think that this is my child. A life i created also.

What she needs to realise is if i take her back with the child i wont be there much because i'm touring.

I guess i'm caring to much about my career then my own child.

What's more important?

My child or my career?



first chapter of the sequal.




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