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•andy fowler•

"You alright babe? You've been...distant," I said as I kissed the top of rye's head softly.

He nodded.

Just in a mood, the one where I don't talk.

I read what he typed out on his phone and nodded.

"Well if you need me I'm here, I'm gonna go downstairs for a bit then Mikey is coming over later if that's alright," I said.

He nodded.

He went to say something but I stopped him.

"That doesn't mean you have to talk. I'm sure Mikey knows because after all, you've been his best friend since you guys were 16? 17?" I asked.

He showed me his phone.

17 you dingus

I chuckled.

"Well I was close and correct at the same time," I laughed.

Doesn't count

He typed out.

"It does," I said as I kissed him softly before exiting the room and going downstairs.

"I'm actually glad that I'm able to hang out with you after all this time," I said as I hugged Mikey.

"Same same, so I hate to be THAT person but how's he been since the hospital?" Mikey asked.

I sighed because I know rye liked to remain private on this but this was his best friend but even then I'm not sure Rye wanted me to tell him.

"Ask him yourself, that was in the nicest way possible. You know how Rye gets with things like that and I just don't want him to not trust me," I said, giving Mikey a soft smile.

"I get it, but he just opens up to you so much easier then me and I envy that because we've been friends for five years now and you've been talking to him? Dating him? For only a few months," Mikey said.

"Because we clicked, I can trust him because I'm sure you know that he has his ups and downs but mine are worse, you never opened up to me easily so I did that in return, things "ever came up" or "you never asked" but why should I have to ask if you're my best friend. Mikey, I love you dearly but what happened before I ended up in the hospital it hurt me so much, for you to say something like that, you have no idea how much that fucked me up," Rye said.

I looked at him then Mikey, giving him a confused face.

Mikey looked guilty as he rubbed the back of his neck nervously.

"Let's not talk about this now," Rye whispered as he messed with the wrappings on his wrist.

I just laid down on the couch, throwing my arm over my eyes because I didn't want a negative mood.

I mumbled under my breath.

I always forgot how hard a relationship was and how hard it was to deal with depression.

Let's never go back to 2014-2015 Andrew.

I actually hate this chapter but oh well
I want to fucking die
My period came earlier then expected someone come kill me thanks
I swear this one author hates me
And I swear this person is a lot happier with me talking to them

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