chapter one

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She had brown curls and brown orbs to match, her lips were plump and a peachy shade, her lashes were naturally long and black. Her figure was like an hourglass and she had every man at her feet yet she still showed no signs of vanity. She was from a rich family, one of the most respected around London. Her mother and father, Mr and Mrs Edwards, owned a wine business and became known to various parts of England. Fame and fortune reached her parents head leaving no space for love in this family.

It wasn't like she hated this life, she just wanted to try new things. She was tired of the same repeat: wake up, meet important people, sleep. She wanted to do things on her own, no hand me downs from her parents. She wanted a job and wanted to venture further into what we call the world.

She decided to start a job in a pub, nothing too fancy but that's how she liked it. Of course if her parents knew about this she'd be killed but that's why she keeps everything under cover, including her name, Anastasia Edwards. Everyone had heard of her but not a lot had met her which guaranteed her identity safe. The name she hid behind was Wilson, Anastasia Wilson. The only person who knew her real self was George, the owner of the pub.

March 11th 1919

"Morning, George." She smiled as she walked through the doors tying up her apron.

"Morning Anna." George waved, cleaning up a spillage on the counter. Most people were accustomed to calling her that.

Looking up from the counter he mentioned, "today's a Friday, we should be in for a lot of company." George chuckled. "Just please, please, please stay out of the way of all the drunken, horny men."

She did not need to be told twice, if she had a penny for every time she had been touched, she wouldn't need a job.

"Don't think it matters how hard I try." She grimaced.

After a long day at the pub, George let her off early as he wasn't too keen on the men bouncing on her every second. She changed into her normal clothes in the bathroom stall and headed home to live the boring life.

ˑ༄ؘ ۪۪۫۫ ▹▫◃ ۪۪۫۫ ༄ؘ ˑ

"Afternoon sweetheart, where have you been all day? You left pretty early." Her mother questioned as Anastasia entered the house, surprised
by her mother's sudden appearance.

"Sorry mother, I was seeing an old friend, she just come back from holiday and I couldn't wait to see her." Anastasia lied, fidgeting with her hands.

Absentmindedly smiling, Mrs Edwards asked, "ah that is sweet, which friend was this again?" She hummed, too busy focusing on the magazine in front of her.

Anastasia widened her eyes, "oh, you know... remember um, Jasmine!" The girl stuttered. "Yeah Jasmine." She awkwardly chuckled.

"Jasmine? I don't recall that name." Her mother mumbled.

"Do you know where father is?" The girl quickly, changed the subject, grinning sweetly.

"Yes dear, he's in his study." Her mother nodded towards the stairs, concentrating on reading.

"Thank you, I love you."

"Mmhm." Responded her mother as Anna rolled her eyes, making her way towards the door.

Anastasia headed up her grand marble stairs, sighing from lack of sleep as she trailed down a corridor to look for her father. When getting to the door she gave it a knock.

"Come in." Her father sternly said.

"Hello father." She smiled as she gave him a hug.

"Afternoon." He sighed.

"What's wrong?"

"Just a lot of business stuff, it'll be okay."

"Anything I can help with?" Anna offered.

"Not yet, I don't want you involved with business until you're eighteen."

"It's like three weeks away I can deal with it." She smiled.

Finally spinning around in his chair to look at his daughter, he shook his head. "No offence darling but you've never had a real job, you wouldn't be able to handle the pressure." Mr Edwards assured her.

Oh the irony.

Instead she gave him a peck on the cheek and made her way to her room. Her room was at the top of the mansion, almost tower like. She walked up another set of white marble stairs, letting her fingertips slide across the wall as she did so. She opened the door and slunk her self on the bed. Folding her hands on her stomach she looked around admiring her room, it never got old to her, even if she wasn't fond of this life, she adored her room. Her bed had a golden frame, a fluffy white duvet and matching gold quilt. By each side of the bed stood chests, white with golden knobs. On the right chest was a telephone and on top of her left chest was a small china plate which carried two cookies, one shaped as a star, the other a heart. They were coated in white icing and laced with sliver decorations and beside the cookies was a glass of milk. In front of her bed was the most beautiful fireplace, a brown wooden frame with an already going fire, must be the maids she thought to herself. Her curtains were gold and had been drawn, in front of the curtains was a vanity chest. To the right of her bed was a white fluffy rug, perfect for when it was cold in the morning, she liked wriggling her feet in it. She absolutely loved her room.

Finally deciding to end the day, she tucked herself under her covers, switching off her lights before closing her eyes.

Ring Ring.

"Ughhh." She muttered to herself as she reluctantly reached for her phone.

"Hello?" She groggily answered, her wire getting caught around her bedside table as she struggled to unknot it.

"Hey Anna, it's George, sorry to bother you this late but I've heard word that a group of men will be arriving at the pub tomorrow. Look - Charlie has asked for the day off and I know you don't work weekends but I could really use the extr-".

"I'll be there don't worry; nine am sharp." She replied.

"Thank you Anna." George said and put down the phone.

Who's this important she has to work on a weekend? She thought to herself, I guess she'll see tomorrow.

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