chapter six

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August 19th 1919

"Morning." Anastasia said as she hovered over Michael.

Fluttering his eyes opened his yawned. "What time is it?" He questioned rubbing his eyes.

"Half eleven, me and your mum, we're having tea and chatting." Anastasia exclaimed keenly causing Michael to smile at her cuteness.

"I'll be down in a minute." Michael explained as he sat up and swung his legs over the bed.

"Alright." Anastasia smiled as she kissed the top of his head and left.

Michael rubbed his eyes once more and stretched before he put his robe on and made it downstairs.

"And when he was five, John kicked him down the hill in a cardboard box, he wouldn't stop crying." Polly explained making Anastasia laugh.

"Mum!" Michael moaned.

"Morning treacle." Polly smirked, Michael rolling his eyes.

"Where's my tea?" Michael whined as he watched them both sip their cups.

"You weren't awake sweetheart, but the kettles still hot." Polly replied as Michael started to make a tea.

"Make sure you're ready in half hour, we've got somewhere to be." Michael explained to Anastasia.

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"Nice to meet you Pol." Anastasia said as she waved goodbye when getting into Michael's car.

"See you soon Mum." Michael smiled. He hadn't revealed where he was taking the girl, just only that she had to be ready.

After driving for a while, Michael spoke up.

"So? How was it?" He questioned, keeping his eyes on the road.

"It was really good, thank you." She smiled.

"Glad you liked it." Michael replied as his hand found hers.

"Where are we going now?"

"My work."

"Your work?"

"Technically Tommy's." Michael chuckled. "I want to show you what happens around here."
Anastasia gave a nod in response, eager to finally learn what it is Michael does.

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Michael pulled up outside a grand building. He got out of the car and opened up Anastasia's door in which she took his arm. He walked her through the front of the tall, bricked building and into the reception.

"Hey Lizzie." Michael smiled as he walked past a woman at a desk.

"Morning Michael."

After a few turns, Anastasia was pulled into a room where Michael shut the door. A desk, alcohol and paper work everywhere.

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