chapter seven

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August 20th 1919

Anastasia's eyes fluttered open to find Michael staring at her. She lay naked, wrapped within the sheets as she blushed, reminiscing the scenes from last night.

"What?" She smiled. He smiled back; not saying a word as he took out a cigarette.

"First thing in the morning?" She groaned.

"I've been up a lot longer than you." He chuckled.

"What were you doing up?" She hummed, her hands finding their way into his hair.

"Thinking." He replied.

"About?" She egged on.

"Move in with me?" He instantly asked.

She chuckled in confusion. "What?" She questioned as she sat up.

"Move in with me." He repeated, but this time more as a statement. She began to stutter, not knowing what to say. First marriage and now this?

"We can live in London so we're not too far from your parents and Tommy wants someone he can trust in London for business. This is the perfect scenario." Michael explained, his hands moving about to stress his seriousness.

"Michael, no offence but my parents don't even want to meet you. Imagine I told them I was moving in with you." Anastasia replied delicately.

"Anna, you can't live by your parents rules forever. You're eighteen for fuck sakes, legally you're free to do whatever." He smirked.

"I know it's just," she sighed, "let me, think about it you know."

"No rush doll." He winked.

"Can I have one?" She asked, referring to the cigarettes.

"First thing in the morning?" He mimicked.

"Do you want me to move in with you or not?" She sourly asked as Michael grinned before handing her one. "Thank you."

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"Remember, no swearing, no talking of illegal business, no mentioning you smoke - try to speak up they hate muttering, use your manners, shake his hand firmly he hates weak handshakes, no-"

"Fuck me, this is scarier than Tommy him fucking self." Michael chuckled nervously.

She exhaled loudly, "I just don't want anything to fuck up more than it already is." She admitted, leaning her head on his chest.

"It'll be okay." He kissed her forehead. She stood up straight, straightening his tie before playfully tapping his cheeks.

"Okay, ready?" She asked as she held out her hand for him to take.

"Ready." He replied as he followed her outside and downstairs to face the wrath he'd been dreading.

"Wait here." She said as they stopped before a door. Michael nodded as he watched her slip through, eagerly pressing his ear against the door.

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