chapter twenty

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December 13th 1920

Ring ring ring ring

"Ugh." Michael groaned as he removed his arm around his wife's waist to answer the phone. "Hello?" He groggily asked.


"Tommy?" Michael questioned.

"Have you checked the post?"

"What? No. Tommy can this wait I'm fucking tired?" Michael groaned once again, ready to put the phone down.

"No this cannot fucking wait!" Tommy angrily yelled. " We need a family meeting right now. We've all be given the black hand, check your post." Tommy stated.

"The fuck?" Michael seethed, sitting up worryingly.

"Yes I know, keep your wife safe and get to Birmingham soon as." Tommy explained before putting down the phone.

"Shit." Michael groaned, rubbing his face. "Anna, Anna wake up." Michael shook her. She slowly woke with a yawn as she snuggled into Michael.

"Ten more minutes." She yawned.

"We have to go now Anna." Michael explained as he took the covers off and got up to begin packing. Anastasia now waking with confusion. "I'll explain in the car just trust me."

"Michael, why are you packing?" Anastasia rubbed her eyes.

"For once just help and do as I say. Pack all the essentials." Michael begged clearly stressed as his wife awoke to help him.

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"Can you please explain to me what this is?" Anastasia asked as she leant her head against the side of the car, dizzy from moving so fast.

Michael sighed. "The peaky blinders, our family, received the black hand as of last night."

"Black hand?" She asked again.

"It's a mafia thing, a solemn swear to kill everyone they send it to." Michael explained as he watched her reaction.

"Oh." The girl swallowed.

"Which is why we are on the way to Birmingham, they wouldn't dare step foot when we're all there." Michael boasted. "Would they?" He whispered, almost doubting himself.

Anastasia nervously laughed. "But no one would mess with the peaky blinders right?"

"Anna, this is mafia shit. It's fucked." Michael sighed.

"But, Tommy will figure it out?" Anastasia questioning herself.

"Let's hope so, for the mean time. Keep your head down."

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After a long cautious drive up, they safety made it to Birmingham. Hopping out of the car and making it to the betting shop.

"Michael." Tommy sighed as he hugged his cousin, like a weight had been lifted off his chest. "Anna." He smiled, wary of his distance considering the circumstances they left in.

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