chapter four

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Play the song as you read

July 2nd 1919

Eighteenth birthday was always the special one wasn't it? Anastasia woke with a smile on her face, she could finally work for the family, legal to do as she wants. She yawned before rubbing her eyes and sitting up until she heard a cough. Her attention quickly focused on the man in the corner of her room. She knew that face anywhere, especially in that navy suit.

"Michael? How'd you get in here?" She giggled.

"Happy birthday." He smiled holding out a small square box. She patted the empty space next to her and he got under the covers with her. She cuddled up next to him as she opened her present.

"Nice room." He commented as he looked around, placing his arm behind her neck. She opened the box to reveal, a silver necklace plated in diamonds.

"Michael, oh my god. You didn't need to." She gasped.

"Do you like it?" He smirked.

"It's beautiful." She thanked. He took the necklace from her hands and put it around her neck. She glanced at her mirror in front of her bed and was mesmerised. "You really didn't have to."

"Suits you." He remarked. "I just wanted to show my appreciation for you." He explained placing a piece of hair behind her ear. "And I'm not good at this touchy-feely shit but I've felt more myself then I have in years in such a small amount of time with you. Can't imagine the future." He slyly muttered the last part.

"Michael." She gave him a goofy smile before smashing her lips on his passionately.

"Need to get you presents more often." He groaned making her giggle into the kiss.

"As much. As I'd like. To carry on." She explained through kisses. She put her finger on his lips. "If my parents or maids catch us, I'll be dead." She kissed him one more time before sliding back into her space next to him.

"That's the fun in it. You're boring." Michael moaned causing her to laugh.

"Use your brain not your-"

"Dick." Michael smiled finishing her sentence. "My mother used to say that to me when I was a horny little boy."

"Isn't that still what you are now?" She smirked, lightly hitting his chest.

"My mother had it much worse, the amount of times she caught me doing bad, bad things." Michael sighed, shaking his head.

"When do I get to meet your mother, your family?" She asked.

"Soon." He replied kissing her temple.

She got out of bed and reached for her robe at the end of it. Michael followed her and wrapped his arms around her waist from behind, resting his chin on her shoulder. He sighed before wishing her happy birthday once more.

"Thank you." She beamed as she turned around to face him, sharing one more kiss.

"My pleasure." He mumbled.

"I've got to greet my parents, how are you going to get out?" She giggled.

"I'm a man of many talents." He winked, holding his hands up in response.

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