chapter fifteen

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December 7th 1920

Anastasia woke up to an empty, cold bed. Was it all a dream? Did she just experience a lowly night terror? Sliding off the covers, she ventured for her husband, making her way downstairs she found him in the kitchen.

"Morning." He smiled sympathetically. "I'm making my way in five." Nope. It was real. "How you feeling?"

Anna sighed, the slow realisation finally hitting her. Shit. She felt shit. She had just spent the last few years of her father's life ignoring him. Yeah he was awful to her but that was her dad. "Not the best." She replied honestly.

Michael nodded in agreement, making his way over as he embraced his wife, gently resting his head on top of hers. "I'll sort it all out."

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Michael made his way to his mother's house, slamming his car door in frustration. He quickly stomped to the front door before taking a deep breath in and opening it up with his spare key.

"Mum?" Michael shouted but no one answered.
"Mum!" He yelled again.

"You alright there?" A husky voice replied. A muscular figured approached Michael before his features became clearer in the light. He had a neatly kept brown beard, connecting with his moustache and bright green, warming eyes. He must have been in his late thirties yet he was a very attractive man.

"Who the fuck are you?" Michael asked, clearly stressed.

"Ah shit." The intruder chuckled. "You must be Michael." The man realised, holding his hand out for Michael to shake.

"Who the fuck are you?" Michael repeated, not moving an inch.

"Oh yeah, I... um I'm..." He stuttered, retracting his outstretched hand awkwardly.

"Robert." Polly smiled as she stood at the top of the stairs. Both men turning their heads.

"Mum." Michael sighed.

"I see you boys have gotten to know each other." Polly winked happily, slowly retreating down the steps.

"Mum, who is he?" Michael raised his voice, getting annoyed.

"He, Michael, is my... boyfriend." Polly explained, now face to face with Michael. "Good to see you again." She hugged Michael.

"Whatever, I don't have time for this right now." Michael stressed as he began making his way out of the door.

"Michael, don't be like this." Polly sighed, slowly getting more irritable but it was too late as the sound of Michael's vehicle was heard zooming off.

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Michael was very, very angry. He harshly pulled out his cigarette case and took one out before placing it in his mouth. Lazily searching through his pocket he took out his lighter and lit it before angrily dashing everything in the passenger seat. With on hand on the wheel, the other holding a fag, full force on the accelerator, in Michael's way was a dangerous place to be.

Michael Gray- Mystery ManWhere stories live. Discover now