chapter three

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Two weeks had past and there was still no sign of Michael. She had thought about him often, promising herself to not get too upset if they never met again. But Anastasia frequently wondered if he ever was going to come back to her pub.

She was doing the usual, wiping down the side when a familiar voice caused her head to jerk up.

"I'll have a whiskey please."

"Michael?" Anastasia smiled brightly. "Didn't think I was going to see you again." She remarked, instantly biting the inside of her cheek, embarrassed by her eagerness.

"I told you I'd come back." He winked. "What's been happening?" He asked, truly interested.

"Not a lot really, same old." Anastasia replied. "And you?"

"Quite the opposite actually. I've had a lot of stress from work to deal with." He explained. "I have to keep moving between Birmingham and London and it's not the best of journeys."

"Doesn't sound the best." She sympathised.

"That's the reason for my long duration. I'm sorry." He exhaled. "I can only say I hope you didn't miss me too much." He cheekily commented.

"Forgot you existed until now." She taunted as Michael let out a deep chuckle. "Where's your family?" She questioned.

"At another pub, truth be told they weren't too keen on the people in here," he paused, "I couldn't say the same." He grinned as he gulped his drink making Anastasia blush.

"Well, it's nice to see you again." She giggled.

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Another week had passed and Michael made a conscious effort to keep coming back to the pub to visit her. Between meetings. After work. During lunch. He was there. They began to form a relationship, the two enjoying each other's company. But Michael thought it was time to be a man, not that he didn't love watching her work but he wanted to take her out. Spend time somewhere else other than a stinky pub full of rowdy men.

"Anna." Michael stated as he grabbed her hand one evening while she was cleaning the surface. "Do you want to go on a date with me?"

She smiled. "That would be nice."

"Your shift ends in ten?" He asked looking at the time.

"Memorising my schedule already? Way too attached." She teased.

"Mmh." Michael hummed.

"Alright not much business tonight, you can go early." George offered. "Michael." He smiled.

"George." Michael greeted.

Anastasia and Michael shared a glance before she headed for the bathroom to change her clothes.
After finishing up, Michael extended his arm for her to take.

"Where are we going?" She giggled, Michael opening up the doors for her.

"I'm not too sure yet." He replied.

"Michael Gray, the big surpriser."

"How'd you know my last name?" He questioned.

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