chapter fourteen

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Michael and Anastasia, scurried inside, the UK weather freezing them inside out.

"Thank you for a nice evening. It was beautiful." Anastasia smiled before lightly kissing Michael.

"Sir, Madame... you're back." Their maid had greeted, a slight pang of panic slapped across her face.

"Mary, what are you still doing here? Go home." Michael chuckled.

Mary lowered her head. "Yes well I was on my way but someone had knocked and well she asked to see you miss." The maid uncovered, her eyes flickering towards Anna.

"Who?" Anastasia asked.

"Why your mother miss."

It was as if everything had froze. The walls began caving in. Goosebumps had made their way onto her skin, clinging for dear life. Her heartbeat picked up speed, jolting every other second. Her mother? Here? In her house? All she could hear was the blurred words of Michael conversing with Mary as he thanked her, sending her home.

"Anna?" Michael had spoke, his hand resting on the small of her back as she was brought back to reality.

"My mother?" Anastasia finally croaked as she gulped.

"Do you want me to send her away?"

"No!" Anna frantically spoke. "No, we'll do it together." She nodded, composing herself.

Michael smiled reassuringly, as to tell her he was here no matter what. Reluctantly drifting towards the door of their living room, she built up the guts to push down the handle...

and there she was, pale as ever, arising from the sofa at the entrance of her daughter.

"Sit." Anna mumbled. "Please." Without another word, her mother resorted to her previous position. Her daughter sitting opposite to her as Michael followed her actions. This was so strange. This was so awkward. The three sat in silence, unknowing of what to say.

"You've done pretty well."

The couple glanced up at the woman, the fear finalised within her eyes. Something wasn't quite right.

"Thanks." Anastasia replied bluntly.

"So... what have you been doing?" Elizabeth questioned.

"Mother please, spare us the awkwardness, what do you want?"

Ms Edwards sighed, toying with her fingers as she took in a deep breath and closed her eyes. When reopening them, a single tear had escaped, a moment of weakness overcoming her.

"You know, we had so much planned for you." Something really wasn't right.

"What? What do you mean?" Anastasia furrowed her brows.

"Elizabeth? Can I get you a drink?" Michael finally spoke, the quagmire evident in his words.

"You are the last person I want anything from." Elizabeth spat, venom in her voice.

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