chapter twenty two

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somewhat winter?

He stood, with his arms placed in front, trying to refrain from crying. His mother. Left hand side, was heavily sniffling. He closed his eyes to hold back the water that was to come. When reopening he remembered how his right hand was no longer there, instead Tommy had replaced that position. His cousin had taken off his peaky hat and placed it in front of his stomach with his head bowed.

"Today we are here in memory of Anastasia Gray." Jeremiah stated sadly. "One that was very dear to us all."

Michael bowed his head but this time allowed a tear to escape. Polly noticing his actions also shared a few tears whilst rubbing his shoulder. Jeremiah began to start the service but Michael couldn't concentrate, he had just lost the only fucking thing he loved. His happiness. His life. His love. He blames himself. He wasn't there to protect her. Michael mentally slapped himself for being such an idiot.

As if Polly was reading his mind she spoke up. "You mustn't blame yourself. There wasn't anything anyone could have done." She comforted. Michael didn't say anything. He couldn't. How can you talk when your soul has been through that much pain? Instead he let out a strange noise. It was like a cry trying to get out but at the same time it was a reply to Polly's statement.

"Receive the lords blessing. The lord bless you and watch over you. The lord make his face shine upon you, and be gracious to you. The lord look kindly on you and give you peace; in the name of the father, son and Holy Spirit. Amen." Jeremiah finished as everyone repeated the last word. The priest gave a sympathetic smile to Michael as he headed off the stand, Tommy gave Michael a pat on the back as he solemnly made his way to the stand.

When Michael got to the stand, he very slowly turned around to face the audience. He hated the negative energy around here, everyone was either crying or about to. It felt horrible being in this atmosphere, Michael wondered how Jeremiah dealt with it. Nevertheless, Michael glanced at everyone who was here. She sure did have a lot of friends and family that cared about her. He focused on the people closest to him. Polly. Tommy. Ada. Arthur. Finn. Isaiah. He rubbed a hand over his features.

"We. You. I." Michael stuttered, sighing heavily.

"Take your time." Tommy smiled, knowing the pain he was experiencing.

"Anastasia Gray. Formerly Edwards." Michael shared a sympathetic smile to Anastasia's side of the family. "A girl that's smile could turn the room upside down. A girl that knew exactly what to say and when to say it. A girl that spoke her mind. And a girl that stole my heart." Michael began to tear up. "I don't even know where to begin. But I do know that she didn't deserve to die, it should have been me." Michael shed a few tears. "I also know I was truly blessed to have a wife that loved me and that I loved so much it hurt." Michael gazed back to his family. Pol, Ada, Isaiah and Arthur were crying. Finn seemed alone in his sad thoughts. Tommy holding that same monotone expression.

As Michael was about to speak, he noticed a figure stood in the back of the crowd. He closed his eyes, shook his head and reopened them but yet she was still there.

"Anastasia?" He muttered but she held a finger to her lips, silencing him. "Carry on." She mouthed.

Michael gained his concentration back. "Ahem. Um. My wife was the most kind hearted person I know. Sorry. I knew." He croaked. "She completed my life. I'll miss her warmth in the morning and her comfort after a long days work. I'll even miss her snoring." He let out a chuckle and the crowd shared a small smile. He glanced to his wife who let out a giggle. "It was as she was the key to finishing life and I lost her. I am a broken man and my better half is gone but I can see her face." He looked back to his wife, she was smiling. "Hopefully we will be reunited once again. I think she's still here with all of us. In here." Michael smiled, pointing to his heart as yet another tear escaped his eye. "I have lost my wife, support system and my best friend." Michael took in a deep breath. "I'll see you soon." He stared at his wife stood in the back before he made his way back to his mother who welcomed him with open arms as he began to sob.

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