chapter five

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August 18th 1919

A few weeks had passed since Anastasia's birthday. She's started working with her family and she's still seeing Michael behind their back. Today she was asked to meet Michael's family, she had spoken to Michael's cousin; Thomas a few times and he had given her and Michael a lift around some places but that was about it really.

Anastasia sat at her vanity desk, slightly stressing about her appearance. What if they didn't like her? She hardly ever wore make up but first impressions count. She applied some dark red lipstick and some black mascara, sighing before she opened her wardrobe, contemplating on what to wear. Leaning against her wardrobe door she settled for a dark red dress.

Michael had told her she'd look good in anything but she persisted on dressing up

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Michael had told her she'd look good in anything but she persisted on dressing up.
After packing a few clothes for the following days she headed downstairs to say goodbye to her parents.

"Mother?" She called as she entered the parlour.

There Mrs Edward's sat, sprawled across the sofa as her nose was buried in yet another magazine. "Yes darling."

"Remember I told you I'd be visiting a friend and staying there for a few nights?"


"Today's that day." Anastasia chuckled awkwardly.

Eyeing her daughter up and down she furrowed her brows. "Dressed a bit fancy to be seeing a friend." Her mother noted.

"It's her... mother's birthday today and she's having a party so."

"Alright, but you're going to be back two days time, yes?" Her mother asked.


"No later okay?"

"Yes mother." Anastasia hugged Mrs Edwards.

Pulling away from the embrace she spoke, "Don't bother your father now he's busy, I'll tell him you've left." With a roll of her eyes Anastasia nodded, making her way for the door.

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"Nice ride." Anastasia commented as she hopped in the front seat.

"Thank you." Michael chuckled as he gave her a quick kiss. "It's a long journey so there's some pillows in the back if you get tired."

"Thank you." She replied.

Yet there was no time for Anastasia to sleep. What if his family didn't like her?

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