chapter two

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She woke with a yawn and got ready for the day tip toeing out of bed, careful not to wake her parents.

She made it to the bottom floor, turning towards the door when she heard a voice.

"Sneaking off again are we?"

She turned around to see her favourite maid.

"Camilla!" She excitedly greeted as she ran into her arms. "When did you get back from Spain?" She smiled.

"Ah, around four this morning, wasn't very tired so just did some cleaning." Pulling away from the embrace she smiled cheekily. "Still keeping this job up I see." She chuckled eyeing up Anastasia's outfit.

"Yeah, George said it'll be busy today so I said I'd help."

"Very kind of you."

"I've genuinely missed you so much." Anastasia squirmed engulfing her in another hug.

Before laughing again Camilla said "You'd better go, you don't want to be late, or worse caught by your parents."

Anastasia left with a nod, making her way into work.

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"Morning George." She smiled, tying up her apron once more.

"Oh you angel." George replied hugging her, slightly rocking the two side to side.

"Who are these important people?" Anastasia giggled.

"Word has it a group of gangsters from Birmingham are coming down to London and they're supposed to be around this area so I just wanted to... well you know, make sure we had enough staff." He shrugged as he rubbed his hands together.

Anna furrowed her eyebrows. "No, I don't know. You don't even know if they're going to be here? You just wanted to be... prepared?" She questioned, not quite believing her ears.

"Yes?" George said plainly.

"George, you gave your wife an onion ring as a replacement because you weren't prepared, you've never been bloody prepared in your life! These so called gangsters must be something pretty special." Anastasia declared, making her way around the bar, beginning to wipe down a counter.

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After about nine hours of working the clock was turning six. It was the busiest she had seen but I guess that's because she's never worked on the weekend. She had been waiting all day yet, there was no sight of these gangsters.

"George, I'm tired and they aren't coming." Anastasia moaned, cringing at a nearby customer attempting to flirt with her.

George sighed. "Just a few more hours and I promise to give you Monday off." He begged. Not that she needed a job but she took it as a nice gesture.

As if on queue, the doors to the pub swung open, creating a clank as five men walked into the pub, silence consuming the room. They stood in a line, all in matching three piece suits. Anna, held back a giggle. That's sort of cute, she chuckled to herself.
A few seconds had passed before one man made the first move, he kept a stern look on his face, as if to tell the pub this was his domain now. As he stormed closer, fear overcame George and Anna, his piercing blue eyes not helping to calm the situation.

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