chapter eighteen

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December 12th 1920

Beep beep beep

That was the twenty eighth time Michael had tried to contact Anastasia. She had been gone for three days and Michael was panicking bad. He couldn't eat, couldn't sleep. Michael began to pick up the phone, turning the dial as he put in her old house phone.

Beep beep beep

Twenty ninth. He sighed as he listened to the clock tick, twenty past ten pm it read. He put down the phone and rubbed his hand over his face. Once again, he began slowly picking up the phone, contemplating on whether what he was about to do was the right decision and something must've pushed him because he carried out the process. The phone began to ring until finally someone picked up.

"Hello?" A husky and deep voice asked. "Michael?" They asked again.

"Tommy." Michael muttered.

"She isn't back yet is she?" Tommy asked knowing exactly why Michael called. "Listen, cousin, it's been three days. It's all sounding a bit... toxic."

"It isn't like that. I just need to know she's safe, I don't even have to see her. I just want to know she's safe." Michael explained.

There was a long sigh down the phone from Thomas Shelby. "I'll deal with it."

"But Tommy, don't do anything stupid I don't-" Tommy had hung up. "Fuck." Michael whispered.

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Anastasia however was not bothered in the slightest. She hadn't a clue about how worried her husband was which is why she was sat at her mother's drinking tea.

"It's been so nice having you around again." Elizabeth admitted while smiling at her daughter.

"I could say the same to you." Anastasia smiled back.

"Well then..." Her mother edged closer and rested a hand on her daughter's knee. "Move back in with me?" Her mother asked.

"But Mum I-"

"Before you deny me let me explain. I'm lonely in this big house all to myself, Michael's profession and family isn't any benefit to you and I haven't seen you so happy in such a long time since you've been here." Her mother explained.

Ouch. That wasn't true. Sure, Michael had fucked up but she knew he only had the best intentions. Anastasia was about to reply before there was a knock at the dining room door.

"Yes?" Her mother called.

"Ms Elizabeth, there's a woman at the door." A maid had called out.

"Who is it?"

"She didn't say, said she was here on the account of business." The maid replied.

"Well, tell her to go away we're busy." Her mother shooed.

"No need for that." A woman called out as she entered the dining room. "This won't take long."

Michael Gray- Mystery ManWhere stories live. Discover now