chapter ten

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December 4th 1920

Birds chirped outside the window, the sun slyly reaching its way through the blinds, melting the snow and softly hitting the couple tangled up in bed. Anastasia's eyes fluttered open as she took in her surroundings, she was on her front, head and hand resting on Michael's chest. She smiled as she recalled last night. The best sleep she had had in a very long time. She looked up at Michael as he slept peacefully, something else she had not seen in a long time. Deciding not to wake him up, she quietly crawled out of bed and looked out of the window, the snow had started to fade and for the second time today shared yet another smile.

"Morning." Michael whispered in her ear as he snaked his arms around her waist.

"Didn't mean to wake you." She mumbled.

"You didn't, best sleep I've had in months." She giggled as his hot breath tickled her ear."I meant everything I said last night." He stated. "I wanna start again, the work, Tommy, just got to my head and I know that isn't an excuse but I love you I really do. I was such an idiot, you left your whole family for me and for what? For me to treat you like shit. And I totally understand if you want to go back." He said as he took a step back from her causing Anastasia to spin around.

"Michael, I wasn't the best wife either." She admitted as her hand caressed his cheek. "I love you Michael Gray and I always will, you mean the world to me." She admitted shyly.

Michael leant into her palm, severely missing the close contact. Closing his eyes, he reopened them with a smirk. "Do you know what else we haven't done in a while?"

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"Good morning." Anastasia smiled towards their maid, hand in hand with her husband as the couple excitedly took a seat and the dining table.

The maid widened her eyes, completely shocked by the uplifting atmosphere. "Um... yes... erm... good morning."

"We have some thanking to do." Michael added, pouring his coffee. "We're aware we haven't been the easiest people to work for." He awkwardly muttered. "So please, take the next three days off, it's the least we can do." Michael smiled.

"Why thank you sir." The maid replied, scurrying out.

"You know." Michael started as he took a sip from his mug, "I was thinking of going to Birmingham, I need to see Isaiah and I know you haven't been there for a while. Everyone misses you, Mum won't stop asking about you." He chuckled. "I guess what I'm trying to say is... do you want to come?"

Anastasia nodded her head vigorously. "Yeah of course, I've missed everyone."


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The drive up was nowhere near as long as last time. They had a lot of catching up to do. Michael explaining what had been going on recently, Anastasia explaining her trip to the market the previous night. Before they knew it, Michael pulled up outside a familiar house. Isaiah.

Turning off the ignition, Michael faced his wife, a slight pang of guilt across his face. "I need you to wait here this time." He mumbled, Anastasia nodding without questions. Carefully getting out, Michael hopped towards his friend's door, the nerves beginning to kick in as he knocked upon the door. It opened up a few seconds later, Isaiah's jolly expression dropping at the sight of the man.

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