Chapter 8.

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     You wake up to one of the twins shaking you. "Y/N, get up. It's almost 7. Dinner is about to be ready and daddy says you have to get up." I realize it's Crystal when she runs out my room. I roll over to check my phone; yep, it's almost 7 p.m. I can't believe I actually slept all day. I get out of bed and head downstairs.

    "Well, look who's awake." Dad was in the kitchen finishing up dinner and setting it out on the table. "Oh, mom won't be back until Tuesday.  She's going to help go through some of her aunts stuff. Also, a boy came by earlier asking if you were home. I told him you weren't feeling good and was in bed and he left. He was driving a black car." I was sitting on the couch watching shadowhunters when he said black car caught my attention and my head jolted towards dad. "So he just left and didn't say anything?."
"Nope, just left. Dinners ready."

     We're all at the table digging into dad's famous stir fry, along with some rice and steamed veggies. We talk about dad's job and the twins have a play coming up next Saturday.  They're both playing two of the main characters. We finish up dinner, get the table cleared off, wash dishes and put the leftovers away. The phone rings while dad was taking the trash out. It's mom

"Hey mom! How is everything?."

"Everything's fine. I can't talk long; I have to help go through some old photos. Tell the twins I said I love them. Bye sweety,  I'll see you Tuesday.  Love you! ."

"Love you too mom. Bye." And I hang up.

     "Who was that?" I hang the phone up, "It was mom just checking in. I'm about to go get in the shower. Need anything else before I do?." Dad shakes his head no and heads in the living room with the twins.

     I walk up stairs to my room. This morning was playing through my head over and over again. I just can't believe that's what I had to get. Of all things, but I guess that's what happens when you get mixed up with serpents.  I get my phone to check my notifications, and guess who messaged me. Sweet Pea

   I read what he sent: We need to talk. I came by earlier and you were in bed. -1:27

   I didn't even bother to text back; I left him on read. Betty sent me this link to a article Jug Head published. I always read both their works, but I didn't care what he had to write about this time. I was worried too much about the bag, Reggie finding out why I really went there, Reggie kissing me.  Just alot of things right now.

     I pick some clothes out and jump in the shower.  I wash, get out, get dressed and jump right back into bed. I was not ready for school tomorrow because then, I would have to face both Reggie and Sweet Pea, and I did not want Reggie to know I was mixed up with Sweet Pea.  That would be bad. 

     I scroll through Instagram for a little while and realize it's 9:17. I set my alarms for in the morning,i cut my tv on and watch a movie called a tale of tales.  It's a really good movie so far. I didn't get to watch all of it because I fell asleep towards the end.


    I woke up having to pee really bad.  I usually never wake up in the middle of the night for anything; I'm a deep sleeper.  I use the bathroom and get back in bed.  I check my phone to see what time it is and I have like 30 messages from Sweet Pea. I'm not going to read them till in the morning. I roll over and go back to sleep.


Hey everyone, I knoe I said that I would have chapter 8 and 9 up by Friday but I've had a lot going on with my classes and trying 2 help find a theme 4 my classes senior prom. I will most definitely have chapter 9 and 10 up by tomorrow. Also, everyone has spoken, it'll be just where you end up with Sweet Pea.

But what do you guys think about the contest?  Yes or No. Please give me feed back on that.  I world love to hear from you.


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