Chapter 13.

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     He just kissed me. WHST THE ACTUAL HELL?! I look at him so confused and he just gives me that damn smirk. I thought I'd have said something by now but nothing came out of my mouth. My head was racing with so many questions, so many thoughts. "Caight you by surprise, huh?." I can do nothing but shake my head yes. He turns the radio on and plays this song called Easily by Bruno Major. "This song had me thinkinh alot lately because whenever it comes on, I can't help but think of you. You've been on my mind since the first day we saw each other. I've never been this crazy about anything or anyone, but you just do something to me, make me feel diiferent when I'm around you. You just hold some kind of power over me and I can't help but fall into it. I know this is coming all so fast to you, but please say something, anything; please." I just couldn't believe what I was hearing. I hold some kind of power over him? But how? We're two totally different people from two completely different backgrounds. Maybe this is what they mean by opposites attract. "Sweety, I honestly don't know what to say. I never would have guessed you felt this way about me, of all people. But do you really mean everything you said? Because if that's how you really feel about me, then I'd be more than willing to give us a shot." I never seen someone look so happy in my life, just the way he smiles is everything. "You'd really be willing to give us a shot?". I shake my head yes and smile really big because it was in that moment I knew, I knew I was grwoing a crush on Sweet Pea and never realized until now. 

     "I just have one thing. Please don't try to hide us. I know your mom and your side of town doesn't like my side, but I don't want to be hidden becasue I don't want to feel like you are ashamed of me or something, vice versa. But your mon and family is an exception. We can keep out relationship on the sown low, but if someone were to ask about us, just please be honest. And try not to give a damn of what people say ehen they find out." I completely understnd and agree with him and say yes. It will be hard trting to keep this from my mom, but it's my life and if I'm happy with Sweet Pea, why can't she be happy that I am. We hear the bell ring to get to class, I lean in and kiss him again and can feel him smile as we kiss. We both get out of his car and start to walk to class. He walks me to first period and we do get some weird stares from the others but we don't give it any mind.

     I see Archie, Betty and Veronica walking together in the hall about to turn the corner. "Hey, go ahead to your forst period. I have to go talk to Archie and them for a minute. I'll see you after." He knods his head in ok and grabs my hand, giving it a slight squeeze. I walk fast so I can catch up to the group; "Guys, hey." They all trun around, "Hey, you all want to hang out after school, I feel we haven't hung out in ages and I have something important to tell you all." I can tell Archie isn't too happy about what I said or he just doen't look happy at all. "Hey, yeah, sure. Want to meet at Pop's later?", Betty says and Veronica agrees. "Yeah sounds great. Can't wait", I loo at Archie, " Archie, you gonna come too?", He's kind of hesitant but then finally agrees. We all say bye to each other and head to first peiod.

     Everything that happened this morning keeps racing through my head, especially the kiss. Oh gosh, the kiss. It was my first kiss and it couldn't have been better. the way he grabbed my face and pulled me into his lips, man it just gives me butterflies thinking about it. Then, my mind out of nowhere imagines doing things to him. NO, do not go there; we're going to take this slow, we're not going to rush into anything. We have to be careful because I know what Sweety said but my mom would honestly kill us both if she finds out; WHEN she find out, but she'd have to find out at some point in time.

     I try to focus on everyhting the teacher is going over and writing down the notes for the mid term in the next two weeks or so. It's going to be so hard trting to focus on studying, I already know it. Time goes by and then the bell rings for next period. I pack all my stuff and head out the door, waiting for Sweet Pea.  I see Reggie turn the corner and is walking towards me.

"Hey, you coming to the party Friday night after the game?"

I shake my head, "No, I didn't know there was one."

"Yeah, TJ is throwing it at his parents house; they'll be out of town. You should come, cause then we could talk."

His tone changed a little when he said that last part but I kind of just dismissed it. "Yeah, sure. I'll see if Betty and Veronica will go. I guess Archie will already be going." I see Sweet Pea walking down the hall, he had a hard look on his face and I already knew. "I have to get to class, see ya Reg." I start down the hall towards Sweety. " What did he want?", he says kinfd of annoyed. "He was just tellimng me about a party Friday after the game at TJ's house. I was going to go with Betty and Veronica, or you if you want to go?", I left out the part about me and reggie talking because that would really piss him off. "Yeah, I'll go." I was kind of surprised he wants to go but probably only because Reggie invited me and wants to keep an eye on him.

If only he knew.

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