Chapter. 3

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I spend 4th block thinking of ways or scenarios I could ask Sweet Pea to stop the fight, but everything ends in him saying no and laughing in my face. I should just walk up to him and flat out say, "I need you to stop the fight." Ya k kw, be bold, fierce, the things I can't be when situations like this occur. I'm like a sheep in a wolf's den; scared, alone, weak. What if i go up to him and it all comes out as a whisper, or I can't even face him. Why did I have to be the one to be brave and try to stop them? What am I going to do??

The bell rings and it's time for lunch. I already know Betty is going to ask if I came up with anything, but I'm empty handed.

I walk to cafeteria, but before I get there, Sweet Pea is standing by the lockers by himself; This is my chance. I walk up to him but he doesn't notice. I clear my throat and he turns around. "I need a favor from you." His face is blank for a few seconds and then he smirks. "Oh really? Now you want to talk to me?." I look down at my feet thinking I was a little rude to him earlier. "Fine. What do you want?." I shot my head up at those words and flat out say, "I want you to stop the fight." He shakes his head and says a big fat NO. "Look, I know the football boys have what's coming to them, but can you please do this. I said it was a favor. I'll owe you big time if you do. I don't want anyone to get hurt or worse. You guys have it rough already ok. So, show them who's better, even if they do think you're cowards."

He chews on his lip, God that's so hot. Wait, no no. You should not be thinking that. "Alright! Look, I'll talk to the rest of the gang. But if they don't back out, sorry toots." I clap my hands together out of excitement, "ok great, if you do, I'll owe you BIG time. I promise." I sorta run to the cafeteria before I hear him say ' You already do'.

I rush over to the table where Betty and Archie are. " So, anything?." I look at Betty with this big, stupid smile on my face. " He said he'll talk to the others, but there's no guarantee." Archie looks at us like we're talking in another language. "What are you two talking about?." Me and Betty look at each other and then I say, "I asked Sweet Pea if he would stop the fight, and he said he'll try. " Archie gives us a why would you do that look and leaves the table. "I guess he doesn't like that. Oh well, I don't want anyone getting hurt." Me and Betty are the only two at our table. Jug head and Veronica haven't even showed up. "Hey, where's Jug and V.?" Betty looks around and shrugs her shoulders. I hope Jug is at a suppose to be happening meeting with the serpents, and I just have no idea where V would be.

"Why are you always trying to control things? Like mother like daughter." I didn't even see Reggie walk up to the table. The last comment he said set me off. I stood up to him inches from his face. I was pretty wall so i didn't have to look up. "First of all, I don't control things, I was doing a friend a favor; and don't you EVER compare me to my mother. I didn't want anyone to get hurt or worse, so you're welcome. Now please, I'm trying to eat lunch." He looks at me with a surprised look on his face then it turns to anger; He storms out of the cafeteria. I sit back down and look around the room, there's Sweet Pea, sitting at a table smiling. We make eye contact, but I quickly look away. "Archie must have told him and the others." I shake my head. It doesn't matter. All I can think about is the last thing Reggie said. I hate when people say I'm like my mother, we have nothing in common.

I throw my garbage away, and rush out outside. I must have looked pisses because Sweet Pea followed after me.

"Hey, you ok? You look pissed."

"I am. I'm not controlling. Thats the last thing I want to be because then I'll be just like my mother, and I don't want to be."

"I don't think you're controlling."

Those words make me forget what happened not even five minutes ago. I smile a little and say thanks. While he's here, I'll ask if he had any luck.

"So, did you talk to them?"

He shook his head yeah. "It took alot of convincing, but the fight won't happen because we're not showing up."

"Oh thank God. You're a life saver."

He looks down and then looks right back up, staring into my eyes.

"I only did it for the favor you owe me." He walks back into the school before I could even exhale the breath I was holding. The way he sounded when he said that.

Oh no, what did i get myself into?

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