Chapter. 12

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The Next Morning

     I wake up before my alarm goes off, so instead of going back to sleep, I go ahead and get up and dressed. Mom and dad are cooking breakfast when I get to the kitchen. "Hey honey, you're up early." Mom says. "Yeah, I thought I'd go ahead and get up. Spend some time with you before I go to school. What was that stuff in the box? Stuff from your aunt?" Mom pours me a glass of orange juice," Yeah, some old pictures when I was a kid. You can look at them if you want. They're in my room, on the dresser." I smile and say, "Ok, I will after school."  Dad gives me a plate of bacon, eggs, and biscuits and gravy and I start eating; it's so good. Mom cooked, so that's why it's really good. I finish eating and clean my plate and fork. We talked about mom's visit in Oklahoma with her other family. She hasn't seen some of them since she graduated high school. "How was your mom when she seen you?" I ask mom. She looks down with a sad smile. "She was happy, I guess. She didn't really show her feelings besides her grief for her sister." We never knew much about mom's side of the family. She met dad in college and they got married after they graduated and moved here. We only met mom's aunt once and that was it. We never met our mom's mom. I understand why after what dad told me.

     The twins run downsatirs and they have my phone. "Who's Sweet Pea? They keep calling and texting you." I get up so fast and snatch my phone. "Why were you in my room? You aren't suppose to go in my room!" I run upstairs before mom and dad can question who Sweet Pea is. I don't need that happeneing. I sit on my bed and look at my phone. Sure enough, there's a text and  missed call from Sweet Pea. The text just says to call him. I click on missed calls by his name and hit the call button, It rings for a few seconds before he answers.

Sweet Pea: Glad you finally decided to talk to me. Look, we need to talk when you get to school, please? Meet me in the parking lot where I usually park; I'll be in my car. Please come. I have to go

     I couldn't even get one word out before he hung up the phone. Looks like I'll be talking to Reggie and Sweet Pea today. Just my luck. I get up and head downstairs, hoping mom and dad doesn't ask about who Sweet Pea is, so I just head towards the door and out to the car, not before saying I'm ready when you are dad.

     Dad doesn't mention anything about the texts and calls on the way to school; the car ride is really quiet and it's actually creeping me out. I wanted to start a converstion and ask dad something but nothing came out of my mouth. I honestly liked it this quiet, probably because I knew it would be the last moment of peace and silence for a while after today. Dad drops me off at the entrance to the school, before I make my way to Sweet Pea, I wait for dad's car to be gone in the distance. I get to the parking lot and there's S.P car, everyone else were hanging around their bikes talking before classes started in 30 or so minutes, A few of the serpents are eyeing me down as I walk to S.P's car, it was really uncomfortable. I walk up to his car and pull on the door handle, I'm just glad it was unlocked because it would be even more embarrassing if it was locked and I would look like a complete idiot. I get in and situate myself so I'm a little comfortable but the tension in the air could not make that possible. I stare directly to the front, not making eye contact with him what so ever, but I could just feel him staring at me like the first time. I'm trying to think of something to say so we can get this over becuase it's becoming unbearable. Next thing I know, I'm being dragged out of my thoughts by him putting his hand around my face and bringing it in towards his and then our lips collide.


  Hey, how yall doing. I know this chapter is super short but I just wanted to do a littlw something to get back into the story and writing because I've been totally unmotivated. I will have the next chapter up by Sunday night and it will be longer. Quite a bit of you have been commenting for an update and here it is. I'll also be working on another story but its going to be a BTS x reader. I just have to figure out who to write it on but if any of you have a request or suggestion I'd love to hear it. Thank so much for sticking this long to the story.

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                -XOXO Ash

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