Chapter. 6

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                      And that is??

     I start getting these nervous tingles all over my body. Why did he have to wait til 1 in the morning to tell what he wants. A few seconds after, my phone rings. Sweet Pea is calling me.    I wait for the fourth ring before I picked it up.

   Y: Hello?

   S: Hey, so I've thought about it and I want you to come over to my house.  I'll send you the address. And don't worry, it's nothing bad.

     He hangs up before I could say anything. He wants me to come to his house. WOW. He sends me his address with another winky face at the end. My it thing is, how am I going to get there because that's a good 30 minutes away and I can't just take dad's car.

     I text Sweet pea: I don't have a way there. I can't take my dad's car. He'll know. Can this wait til tomorrow?

     Right after I send the message he replies back:  Nope, has to be done tonight. I'll come pick you up ;)(;

     Oh great. Now he'll wake the whole neighborhood up with his motorcycle.    Even my dad, and when that happenes, no one goes anywhere.  I'll be toast. Especially when mom finds out. : Not on your motorcycle ok, it'll wake the neighborhood and my DAD!

     I get up and put my shoes on. I didn't feel like changing out of my pj's cause who am I trying to impress? I walk quietly down stairs, careful not to wake anyone.  I've never sneaked out of the house before. I opened the door and sat on the porch waiting for my knight in shining armor. Wait, what the hell?? He's not my knight in shining armor. What is wrong with me?!?!

     A few minutes pass by and I check my phone. 2:17 and no message. Where the hell is this guy? If it's so important and has to be done tonight,  why isn't he here already? I'm drawn from my thoughts by a ding. I'm at the end of your street. Black car.

    I get up and head down the street where he was. Then it dawned on me. HOW THE HELL DOES HE KNOW WHERE I LIVE. I NEVER EVEN TEXTED HIM MY ADDRESS. He has some explaining to do.

    I reach the end of my street and there he his. Black car, very nice too. I walk over and reach for the handle, a click sounds and the door unlocks. My mom would kill me if she knew I was getting into a car with a stranger.  I open the door and no one but Sweet Pea is inside. He looks at me with that smile of his. "Sorry I'm late. Had to deal with something." I get in and buckle up. It's quiet besides the radio playing Pour Some Sugar On Me by Def Leppard. I will say, he has some good taste in music. I break the silence by asking, "How did you know where I lived? I never texted you my address." He just smiles. "Well?!" I add a little more emphasis and attitude to let him know I'm serious.  He just laughs and finally says, " I got it from Jug. He doesn't know though." WOW.

Y:  "So what is it you want that has to be done tonight?"

S: "I need you to get something from Reggie. It's a black bag that says Mutant on it. I don't care if you have to bust in his house, beat him and take it. I just need you to get it for me and we'll be done with each other."

             I can't help but to laugh.

Y: "You've got to be joking. Do you not remember the little incident in the cafeteria. There's no way in hell he's going to just invite me in. And what makes you think I can get it? He hates  me."

  S: "Ok, here's the thing. You have a better chance at getting it because I heard he has a thing for you. Some of my pals heard him and some of his buddies talking about it in the locker room. So that's why I need you to get the bag for me. You have an advantage."

  I can't help but to laugh some more.

  Y: "You've got to be joking, AGAIN. He doesn't like me. You pals must have heard him wrong or they were talking about someone else. There's just no way he likes me."

      We come to a stop in a nice, fancy neighborhood. This is Reggie's  neighborhood. I am not doing this. What is so damn important about that bag anyway?. Sweet Pea cuts the radio off and turns towards me.

  S: "Look, if you do this, we can go our separate ways and you can continue your boring everyday routine with me out of the picture and I can continue my live fast die young life with you out of my picture, ok?."

  I think about it about if for a sec. Why not? It can either go one of two ways. 1: I walk up, knock on the door, he answers, invites me in and I can think of some way to get that damn bag. And to see if he does like me. Or, 2: I walk up, knock on the door, he answers, asks what the hell I'm doing here and then slams the door in my face. We'll have to see.

  Y: "Ughh, damn it. FINE. What's so special about that damn bag anyway. And why does it have mutant on it?."

  S: "Don't worry about it. Just get the bag and don't take all night. I actually have a curfew."

  Y: "Wow, bad boy has a curfew."

     I unbuckle, open the door and step out. Reggie's house is actually a couple houses down from where Sweet Pea is parked.  Can't get caught am I right. I walk down the sidewalk towards Reggie's house. Looks like his parents aren't home. They never are, really. I stop at the corner of his drive way gaining my courage and not chickening out. "Here goes nothing."

     I walk up to his door and ring the door bell. Hopefully he's not asleep at almost 3 in the morning. Why wouldn't he be. I finally hear some one coming to the door. I thought about turning and running, acting like it was a game of dingdong ditch, but I was so nervous, I was frozen.

     The door opens and reveals a very wide awake Reggie. I have no idea what to say, I just stand there like an idiot; which I am for agreeing to do this. to stop there fight.  For everything.

   "What are you doing here. Why are you even here at 3 in the morning?."

       There it is, the second option that could happen, and it did. Except he hasn't laughed yet nor slammed the door in my face. Come on Y*N*, say something. Stop looking so dumb founded.

     " I wanted to talk. I know it's really late, but it couldn't wait. Can I come in so we can talk?."

    He stares at me, stares up and down my body.    "Nice pj's. "

    He leaves the door open and heads up stairs to his room? I guess this is my invitation in? I follow to where he went and walk to the room I presume is his. It has sports stuff all over the door. Yep its his room.

    Here goes nothing....again. I open the door to find Reggie laying on his bed, back toward the ceiling, looking at something on his phone.

     He looks at, SMILES and says, "what did you want to talk about?" with pure serenity in his voice.

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