Chapter 1.

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    "Y/N! Get down here, or you'll be late for school". My mom is always yelling about something. Everything has to be perfect for her, or you always have to be on time, and that means being extra early for her. If your hair isn't to her liking,  she'll tell you to go change it or do better next time. She won't allow mistakes. She always says, "If nothing is perfect, we might as well join the serpents.  Then our lives will be big pots of sin and mistakes". I always found that saying to be quite stupid. Maybe the serpents wouldn't hate us so much if we treated them right and with respect. But no, they're the reason parents kids are doing bad or are on drugs; which might be true. But maybe we drove them to that because we won't give them jobs on our side of town.

    I head down stairs and of course,  my mother has to say something. "Sweety, how do you expect to succeed in life if you're not on time. How do you think your boss would react to you being late?". I just smile and say what I always say, "he wouldn't like it one bit mother".
She smiles and knods, that's my girl she says. "Your father will take you to school. He has to go by Tim ' house to pick up some realtor signs. Now, off you go. Love you sweety!".

    Love you too mom, and I head out the door with that. I've learned not to argue with my mother because she always wins and she has ways of punishing her children. I'm the second oldest, LoraLie is the first child, she's  in college, far off from here, but why wouldn't she be. With a mother like ours; I would be too. Then there's Sam and Crystal. They're twins, in the 5th grade, and let me tell you, they both have a mouth that will tell you off in a second.

    Other than that, people would say my family is pretty perfect. Just like any other family in Riverdale; well that's what the serpents think. If they really knew how some were under the suface, their opinions would change tremendously. People treat the serpents like they're a disease. They give you one look and you have something by them. The serpents are human beings like we are, but they're treated like they're aliens from another planet; they just want to Co exist with us, but we won't allow that because of their history.

    "Honey, is everything ok? You've been looking out the window for 5 minutes straight now, not blinking. What are you thinking about?".  I face him and just smile, " Oh, not much. What are the realtor signs for?".
  "I have to pick them up for Jason for tomorrow.  He's getting new clients and he's been doing alot, so I told him I could help him out and he asked if I could pick them up for him". We pulled into the school parking lot and I got out of the car. "Bye dad. Love you". He always does that smile he gives all his kids, " love you too sweety, have a good day". With that, I shut the door, he drove off and I started for the school entrance. 

    Then, I noticed something in the student parking lot. There were almost 20 bikes lined up; all of which had the serpents logo. Why are there serpent bikes here. Don't tell me one of the football players did something, so now they're going to have it out at our school.  I walked fast towards the doors to see if I could make it to whatever was going to happen. I walk into the doors and there's literally no one in the hallway. I walk in to the student lounge, and that's where the serpents were, along with Reggie and his goons. Archie, Veronica, Betty, and Jughead looked like they were trying to make sure no one went at it. I keep forgetting Jughead is the leader of the serpents, so maybe he can keep everything cool between everyone, so will Archie.

   I walk towards Betty, she turns towards me and smiles. "What's going on? Why are the serpents here?". I try to whisper as quietly ad I could, but no one heard me. "Their school got shut down because of some chemical spill, and it's very dangerous, so they transferred here. I don't think the parents are going to be happy about this. Definitely not your mom". I give her that I know look. Reggie was arguing with one of the serpents, fists about to go flying, but them the bell rang and everyone stopped what they were doing. As I was walking out the door, I caught a glimpse of one of the serpents staring at me. Before I looked away, he smiled at me.



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