Love sucks

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After dealing with my crazy family, I went home.  The minute I reached the door, Marta and Casey met me. Great.

"Thanks for leaving me with that puta," Marta huffed as they followed behind me into the house.

"I'm not the object of his affection," I retorted.

"Don't feel bad, Cody isn't exactly the straight as an arrow kind," Casey shrugged as we both looked at him a bit confused.  "Means he swings both ways. I'm pretty sure if he was a revolving door, it makes more sense."

Then it hit me what Casey was talking about with Cody.

"Whoa, he's bisexual?!"  I said incredulously.

"Big-time," he responded.

I facepalmed myself. Even better. Not only did Cody have a crush on my gay best friend, but I have by far the worst time when it comes to picking guys. 

"Also, you have the fact your little brother has a thing for him as well," Casey smirked.

I groaned. Why me?  Why couldn't I pick a guy that was perfect for me?

Knock! Knock!

I walked over to the door and answered it to find Brandon standing there.  I stepped aside as he strolled inside, then I closed the door.

"What are we talking about?"  Brandon asked us.

"The fact, Andi sucks at picking guys," Casey mentioned as Brandon said, "ah."

"I do not suck," I said emphatically to them as they all looked at me. "Okay, I suck."  I sighed. Let's face it, when it came to my love life, I was doomed to be alone with cats and plants.  The only problem is I'm pretty sure the plants will die, and the cats will run away.

The four of us talked and hung out until they left. As my friends left, my parents returned with my brother.

"Thanks for skating out on us," dad told me.

"What did I do?"  I asked incredulously.

"You left us with your crazy grandfather," he informed me.

"Papa isn't crazy. He has a unique way about him," I shrugged.

"Yes, I know. Mack hit me with a dead fish," he reminded me.

"Only because you were a dink," mom rolled her eyes at him.

"Considering you couldn't see me for dust and had a thing for my brother, I think I had a good reason," he replied to her.

"And I saw the errors of my ways. Now, just bringing up the past. You make yourself look bad," mom told him as she walked away.  He groaned at her.

Dad looked at me, "Andi don't be like your mother. Don't like someone who is not into you."

I stood there, and before I had a chance to respond, he walked away.  I will never understand my parents.  I don't think I want to.

We had dinner then I watched some tv before going to bed.  I laid there and decided maybe guys weren't for me then that would make me a lesbian, which I'm not. Okay, I was screwed.  It has come to my attention; I'm going to die old and alone. Fantastic.

With that thought, I fell asleep.


I took a shower then got ready for bed. There was a knock at my door. I turned to see dad standing there with mom.

"How did it go," dad asked me.

"Andi can't see me for dust.  In other words, I've been friend-zoned," I told them.

"Have you told her how you feel about her?"  Mom suggested to me.

"What's the point?  Oh, hey Andi, I'm madly in love with you.  That's nice Brandon, excuse me while I go crush on some other poor slob," I said in a mocking tone.

"Brandon, she won't know until you tell her. Just do me a favor, at least wait until around Christmas," dad suggested to me.  I looked at him a bit confused. "Just saying."

Mom dragged him out of the room as I stood there, really confused.

They went into their room.

"What is wrong with you?"  She asked him as she smacked him.

"Hey!  Stop hitting me, you brute!"

She gave home a look as she crossed her arms in front of her.

"I need to beat Andrew. If they wait until Christmas, then I get fifty bucks," he smirked.

"You know what's disturbing?"  She asked him.


"The fact you two bet on our kids," she said with an unamused look.

"Brila, our boy is in love with her," he reminded her.

"I know, but I don't want to worry about him getting his heartbroken. If this blows up in our faces, that's what will happen," Brila told him.  He just looked at her.

The truth was, I was in love with Andi and had been for a long time. If I confess my feelings for her and she rejected me, I don't know if I could handle it.  Let's face it, no matter what I do; there is always going to be another Cody.

I turned off my light and went to bed.

I got up and got ready for school.  I came downstairs and joined my parents and brother for breakfast.

"Good to know, you know what a shower is," dad said as he ate.

"Of course, I'm not mom," I grinned as I got a disapproving look from mom — tough crowd.

We finished eating, then went to school.  I walked inside as Cooper and I were duking it out. Yeah, he may be my brother, but he was annoying as hell.

"Quit it, you wretched beast," he said through gritted teeth.

"Listen, you freaking dink, you're an annoying putz," I said as I smacked him upside the head. He chased after me as I ran.  I ran behind Brandon as Cooper tried to get in a few punches.

"Ah, sibling love. Glad I don't have any," Casey remarked.

"Speak for yourself, you puta," Marta rolled her eyes at him.

"Your mother was an incubator. That doesn't count," he told her.

"Okay, I'll be sure to tell her that," Marta smirked.


"Yep," she grinned.

"You're a puta; you know that?"  Casey accused her.

"Not as big as you are," she commented back to him as she stuck her tongue out at him.

Cooper tried to get to me while Brandon held him back and I stuck my tongue out at him.

"Andi?"  Brandon said disapprovingly.

"What can I say?  It's all part of my charm," I shrugged.

As we all goofed around, I heard someone say, "Andi?"

We stopped, and I looked to see Cody standing there.

"Can we talk?"  He asked me as we all looked at him.

"Uh, yeah," I said as I walked over to him and we walked away.

Brandon furrowed his brows as the others looked at him.  Shaking his head, he walked away.

"This isn't good," Casey mentioned.

"No shit, Sherlock," Marta told him.

The truth was, I was going to find out something I wasn't expecting, and a suggestion was going to be made that would cause jealousy in the most unlikely person.  Things were about to take a turn.

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