All bets are off

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My therapy was going well, and I was on my road to recovery. I had to remember what my therapist explained to me that I needed to remember, I'm my person. Then there was the matter of apparently Brandon in love with me. How did I not notice this before?

According to papa, I'm as oblivious as my mom. That's completely reassuring. Don't get me wrong, I like Brandon, but I wasn't sure if I liked him in that way. I mean what if I did and it turns out he decided it wasn't what he wanted? Then I was back to square one.

Maybe this was just a figment of my imagination? Yeah, that's it, it was all just a weird dream that I would wake up from at some point. Or maybe not. Who knows?

"Andi, you're making me tired with all this pacing you're doing," dad mentioned as him and mom sat there on a couch in the family visiting room.

"I think better when I pace," I commented to him.

"Well, you're going to wear a hole in the floor if you keep pacing," he remarked as I stopped and looked at him.

"Hunny, is this about Brandon's visit?" Mom inquired.

"I just don't understand," I shrugged.

"About what?" Dad asked with an arched eyebrow.

"Any of this. I mean if Brandon has been in love with me, why wait to say something until now? What if I decide to give him a chance and it turns out it was a big mistake?" I rambled.

"Or you could kiss him and decide how you feel," dad suggested to me.

"Andrew!" Mom exclaimed.

He looked at mom, "Bella, how do you think I knew if my feelings were true? I kissed you."

"Good point. I say kiss," mom smiled as I looked at her strangely. Dad shook his head.

"Did you miss the point of rejecting me?" I asked them.

"Nope, we're waiting for you to get to the point," dad reminded me.

"Oh right, as I was saying, what if he rejects me?"

"Kind of hard to reject someone when you're in love with them," dad answered as I looked at him unamused. That was not what I meant.

"Can you look at it from my perspective?" I asked him.

"No, because your perspective is all wrong," we heard someone say as we turned to see papa standing in the doorway.

"I think it's spot on," I told him.

He walked into the room, "no, I think it's you overthinking things like your mother did with your father."

I looked at him, confused as I looked at my parents who didn't make eye contact with me.

"Don't look to them for advice because they suck at this," he declared.

"We don't suck at this. Bella and I are married for more than twenty years," dad informed him.

"Took you long enough and the fact you dumped her because you thought something was going on between her and your gay dipwad brother, should prove my point," he told them.

"In my defense, I didn't know Ty was gay," dad spoke defensively.

"Hello oblivious," papa retorted, earning a look from dad. He turned to me, "Andi, I love you, but you inherit the oblivious gene from those two. Trust me I had to listen to everyone moon over someone, whether it be about another or not having someone. Someone was always moaning about their crazy love life," he huffed.

"Dad suggested I kiss Brandon," I shrugged.

He gave dad an annoyed look.

"It worked for me," he shrugged.

"Yeah, don't remind me," he countered as I stood there. This was so not helping me. I mean even if Brandon and I kiss, there was still the matter of me being here for another week. It's not like we could kiss and go out. I was sort of stuck.

"Now what?" Dad questioned me as I had a perplex look on my face.

"Even if we did kiss, I'm still stuck here for another week," I reminded them.

"Eh, a week will fly by in no time," papa reassured me.

I swear my family was crazy. This was going to blow up in our face, I guarantee it.


Dad opened my door to my bedroom and walked in with mom.

"Good news son, Andi is coming home in a week, which means you can kiss her," he suggested.

I looked at him a bit confused.

"What your dad means is you two kiss and fall in love. Make lots of babies," mom told me as my eyes widened. What the hell?

Dad turned to mom, "Brila, we talked about this. Babies come later."

"I need cheeks to pinch and I miss having a baby in the house," she pouted.

"Doesn't mean they're going to live with us," he reminded her.

"Well, they aren't living with Andrew and Bella. I call first dibs on the baby," she declared as she walked out of the room. I think my parents lost their mind.

"Son, you to get your ass in gear or I get to deal with your mother," he patted my shoulder before leaving my room.

I stood there really confused. What the hell was wrong with them? Something was seriously up with them and I knew exactly who to enlist to help me.

"Wait, you want me to spy on our parents?" Casey asked me.

"Pretty much," I nodded.

"I'm always up for good spying although I'm pretty sure I don't have to really spy on them since they like to talk a lot," he said as he walked over and laid down on my bed.

"What do you mean?" I asked him.

He picked up a ball and started tossing it in the air, "what I mean is the parents have a bet going with you and Andi about when you both will get together."

"Excuse me?" I asked him.

He caught the ball and propped himself up, "a bet as in money. They have some weird pool going."

I furrowed my brows. A bet? Our parents had some stupid bet going? Great, just what I needed.

"You didn't know?" He looked at me a bit surprised as he sat up and I looked at him shaking my head no. "Damn, that sucks. Don't feel bad, they have a bet when some chick is going to land me. Newsflash, I like being a free agent."

"How are you okay with this?" I questioned him.

"Because our parents are a bunch of dinks. You know the minute Andi finds out all bets are off and she's pretty much going to hate you because she will think you're in on it," he informed me as my heart sunk.

Whatever chance I might have with Andi wouldn't matter once she found out about the stupid bet our parents had going. Thank you, mom and dad, along with everyone else. At this point al,l I could do is tell her the truth and hopes she doesn't think I was in on it. My luck, she will.

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