And the sh*t hits the fan

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With everything going on, Brandon didn't show up to school one day. I tried calling him, but I got his voicemail. That didn't seem like him. He always answered his phone when I called.

"Why do you look like someone took your favorite show off the air?" Casey asked.

"She's been trying to call Brandon, but he's not answering," Coop told him.

"Isn't it early to be having issues? Then again, we never know with these two," he mentioned as I looked at them.

"You two are annoying; you know that?" I asked them.

"Better than moaning over someone," Casey shrugged as he pointed to Coop.

Coop rolled his eyes as Marta walked up.

"Is Coop still moaning about Cody?" She asked.

"When isn't he moaning about that dipshit?" Casey asked her.

"Can we stop talking about Coop's nonexistent love life for one second?" I asked them. They looked at me as I looked back at them. "What?"

"Hello, oblivious," Casey mentioned as I gave him an unamused look.

"I don't understand why Brandon isn't answering my calls," I told them.

"Maybe something happened?" Marta suggested as I looked at them.

"It won't matter anyway," someone said as we all turned to see Cassie standing there.

"What are you screeching about, banshee?" Casey asked her.

"I heard he's in serious trouble with Crystal," she said as we looked at her. "Look, I'm going to give you the heads up and tell you that she's accusing him of sexual assault."

We all looked at each other.

"No way. Brandon isn't the type of person to do that," Casey told her.

"I'm not saying he is, but not everyone is as innocent as they claim. I'm just warning you," Cassie said as she turned and left.

I stood there confused.

"There's no way Brandon would do that. I know him," I defended him. Everyone looked at me as I walked away and tried to call him again. I needed to contact him and tell him, but it was difficult when he wasn't answering his phone.

All-day, there were whispers about Brandon. I tried to block them out until the police showed up at the school. Any time there is a report of sexual assault, the school has to involve the police.

Our friends were speechless, but I refuse to believe this. I decided to go over to Brandon's house to talk to him. I drove over and pulled into his driveway. Their cars were there.

I got out of the car and went up to the front door, knocking. Brill opened it.

"Andi?" She said.

"Is Brandon here?" I asked.

"He's in bed. He's been sick," Brila told me.

"Brila there's a problem," I say to her as she furrowed her brows. She let me in, and I walked inside. I explained to her and Caleb what was going on, upsetting both of them.

"I'm sorry. I just wanted you to know," I said as Brandon's parents both nodded.

Before I had a chance to say anything else, there was a knock at the door. Caleb opened it to find two police officers standing there.

"Is Brandon Miller home?" One officer asked.

"He's upstairs, sick in bed," Caleb told them.

"Can you please get him?" The other officer asked.

Caleb looked at Brila, and she went up to get Brandon. She returned a few minutes later with Brandon. He looked terrible as he looked at me.

"Brandon," I said.

"Brandon Miller, you are under arrest for sexual assault. Please turn around," the officer ordered as Brandon did as he's told.

"This is a mistake," I told them as they read his rights to him. Brandon didn't even fight as they lead him out of the house in handcuffs. Brila and Caleb left to go down to the police station.

I went home. I didn't understand. Brandon would never do anything like this. When I got back, my dad met me at the door.

"Andi," he said.

"Dad, he didn't do it," I defended Brandon.

"This is a severe accusation," he told me.

"Brandon would never do this. Please tell me you don't believe these lies," I yelled.

"Andi," he started to say, but I interrupted him.

"If you believe this, then you're wrong," I told him as I walked away. I was angry. Some dink makes a false claim, and everyone believes the girl. I didn't understand why? I knew deep in my heart, Brandon was innocent.


I sat in a room at the police station, feeling like hell. I didn't have the energy to fight, even if this was complete bullshit.

"Brandon, please tell me, this isn't true," my dad asked.

I looked at him. "It's hard to assault someone when you're still a virgin," I admitted as his expression changed to surprise. It wasn't something I felt admitting, but if it means clearing my name, then so be it.

I sat there as someone came into the room and started asking a bunch of questions. I laid my head down on the desk, passing out. Man, was I sick? At this point, I didn't care if they locked me up. Anything so I could sleep.

While my dad was dealing with the detective and trying to get me to wake up, we got company at the police station.

"Brila!" Bella yelled, getting my mom's attention as she turned and hugged Bella.

"Bella, this is a nightmare," she told Bella.

"Why would some girl accuse him of this?" Bella asked her.

"I don't know, but this is bullshit," mom told them.

As they all discussed the matter at hand, I slept in the interrogation room. Nothing like NyQuil is kicking in at the wrong moment.

"Is he on something?" The detective asked dad.

"Yeah, NyQuil," dad told him.

"You trying to be a wise guy?" He asked dad.

"No, my kid has the damn flu," he barked as I slept.

They argued as I drooled. I was out for the count. The minute I felt better and not comatose, I was going to hurt Crystal. That is what happens when you turn someone down; you don't like, FML.

My parents went to the police station, and I went over to Papa's house. He would believe me and maybe get Brandon out of this jam. I hope.

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