Christmas break

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Christmas arrived, and Coop was moody. I get he didn't want to get his heartbroken, but going to college doesn't mean you can't make things work. Then again, I'm not one to talk about relationships. I didn't know Brandon loved me. I'm still wrapping my head around that one.

Christmas brought family time with everyone. It was also my favorite time of the year. We were on break, which meant sleeping in and all things Christmas. I know I sound like a kid, but I can't help it. It's Christmas time.

This time meant Brandon and I would be spending time together. Well, I thought we would until I got a call from him, telling me he was going to be gone part of the time to spend time with his dad's family. My reaction was less than favorable.

"What do you mean you're leaving?" I asked him incredulously. He explained everything. "Yeah, I'm sorry too," I said as I hung up the phone.

"Issues?" Dad asked, standing in the doorway.

"Besides the fact, Brandon is going to spend the holidays with his family, nope," I answered, sighing.

"Honey, this happens when you have two families to celebrate when you become a couple," he assured me.

"You and mom spent Christmas together," I reminded him.

"Because our dads are best friends," he told me.

"I'm just bummed. I was looking forward to spending Christmas with Brandon this year, but like everything else in my life, I'll deal with it," I replied as he rolled his eyes.

"Great, we have to miserable kids for Christmas. It should be a fun time around here," he mentioned as he walked away.

How about we skip over Christmas this year?


"Well," mom asked me.

"She's upset, and I'm sure I'm on her bad list," I told her as she smirked.

"She'll be fine, plus it'll be romantic and a nice surprise," she reassured me.

"Yeah, lying to my girlfriend while my grandparents are in Cancun for the holidays will be fun times," I retorted with a look.

"Bella, Mariana, and I have been working on this forever. Cut us some slack, will you?" She told me as I gave her a disbelieving look. I prefer not to lie to Andi about anything. I already had to deal with someone falsely accusing me of things I didn't do. I didn't want to put doubt into her mind now.

I hope she understands.


Ah, Christmas time, when my dad's act like insane nuts and go crazy with decorations and all things Christmas. Have you ever seen those people in the store who get mad with Christmas? It might be my parents. Excuse them, since they're nuts anyway.

"Casey? Are you almost ready?" Ty yelled as I sighed.

"Do I have a choice?" I yell back.

"Nope," he yells to me. I didn't think so. I grab my coat and leave my room, hoping and praying my death is painless.

We arrive at the store, and I sit there as Ty says, "Isn't he adorable?"

"How about a smile?" Gavin asks me. I look at him, smile, then frown. Gavin gives me a look. "Look, it won't hurt you to do this one thing for us."

"It might not hurt you, but I'm feeling hella stupid," I replied.

"Shut up and say cheese," Mariana ordered as Kevin chuckled. Shoot me now.

I managed to smile while sitting on Santa's lap while he did the obligatory ho, ho, ho. I'm sixteen, yet reduced to acting like a toddler at Christmas time. This moment is unfair.

I heard laughter and looked to see Larissa laughing at me. Great, just what I needed. They took their pictures, and I got the hell out of there as fast as I can.

I walked over to her as she giggled.

"Listen, peanut gallery, I don't need any flack," I told her.

"I find it cute you're sitting on Santa's lap," she giggled as I rolled my eyes.

"You're not helping," I reminded.

"It's not my job to help. It's my duty as your bestie to laugh," Larissa chuckled.

"When did we become besties?" I questioned her as she smirked. Leave it to Larissa to claim me without me knowing she requested me, fantastic.

My folks walked over and noticed us talking. Who am I kidding? They were freaking watching us like the stalkers they are.

"Is this your girlfriend?" Mariana asked me.

"What? No," I answered.

"I think it's adorable," Ty commented.

"And I think you're on crack," I told him.

"Don't disrespect your dad," Gavin ordered me.

"Well, tell ying and yang to stop assuming things," I retorted.

"Ew, gross. Don't make me gag," Mariana said, making a face.

"Casey relationships start as friendships," Kevin added as they all nodded in agreement.

"Not in this lifetime or any lifetime for that matter. I'm going to go now," I said as I walked away. No way in hell was I getting trapped by their plotting.

Larissa stood there as they looked at her.

"I ship them," Mariana told them as Larissa looked at them strangely.


I sat on the couch as my parents decorated. They asked if I wanted to help, and I declined. Let me rephrase that; I said when the hell froze over. This attitude didn't sit well with dad. I wasn't in the mood to celebrate Christmas. I would rather mope.

As I sat there, Andi sat down next to me. She was happy as much as I was. Yeah, this would be a fun Christmas for us.

The front door open and nana and papa walked in. Nana walked over to mom and dad while papa sat down on the couch in between us.

"You two look like someone ran over your favorite toy," he remarked as we looked at him.

"Brandon is going away for Christmas," Andi told him.

"Uh-huh." He looked at me. "What's your problem?"

"The guy I like told me he likes me, but he's leaving for college when he graduates," I said.

"Uh-huh," he said as we both looked at him. "Look, I know you both want to be sourpusses, but how about being one after Christmas. Your nana and mom love this godforsaken holiday. Suck it, buttercup," he told us- way to lift our Christmas spirits there papa.

He got up and joined the others.

"No offense, but I don't feel in the Christmas spirit," I told Andi.

"We'll just fake it until it's over with," she suggested as I sat there. Yeah, good luck to us.

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