Crazy is as crazy does

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My friends have a lot of issues. Either they can't keep their pants on, Marta or they're freaking oblivious, Brandon, Andi, and Coop. I spend more time dealing with their love lives that it makes me never want ever to date, like forever.

Dating shouldn't be that complicated, but they make it that way. Marta is always getting caught being unholy. Coop is still pissed off because he has the hots for Cody, but won't admit it. Then you have Brandon and Andi, who finally declared their undying love for each other. I swear if I have to hit on some ugly ass middle-age woman to help them again, I was going to shoot myself.

I know I'm good looking, but it doesn't mean I have to be jailbait.

Now, my dads are something else. One is insecure, and the other is way too secure. I think I'm the only normal one in the lot.

The only issue is, my world was going to be flipped upside down and inside out by someone who decided to transfer into our school. I have written on my forehead target because that's what happened the day I strolled into school and crashed right into someone.

When I say crash, I meant they crashed into me for some ungodly reason. I laid on the floor as the person lies on top of me. Lifting my head, I gave them an annoyed look.

"Do you mind?" I asked her.

"Do you?" She asked with a look.

I pushed her off of me as I stood up. She followed suit.

"Dare I ask why you're playing Evil Knievel in the hallways?" I asked her.

"Well, it started with these two chicks," she nodded as I heard someone screeched, "You are so dead!"

She turned around.

"Meet twit one and two," she commented as I stood there.

As they screeched, I said, "I see you met the banshees."

"Who the hell let them out of their cage?" Coop asked, walking up to us.

"She did," I said, thumbing at the girl next to me.

"Sometimes you have to let the animals free or they each other," she retorted.

"Not these animals, they need to stay caged," Coop told her.

We stood there as they made their way to us. Just as they opened their mouth, this girl proceeded to drop them both in seconds.

"I see She-hulk has arrived," Coop mentioned as I looked at him and rolled my eyes.

I walked over and leaned over next to her.

"Didn't anyone tell you, not to mess with a Gray? Guess not, well, now I'm going to tell you, don't mess with a Gray," she smirked as she stood up straight.

"You know for a girl, you fight like a dude," I remarked.

"I grew up with some crazy-ass cousins, who just happen to be guys," she mentioned.

"What kind of family do you come from?" I asked her.

"Oh, they would be batshit crazy," she replied as I looked at her strangely.

"Good to know," I said as I heard a scream and we turned around to see some girl hassled by Keith.

"Excuse me, why I deal with this fool," Coop mentioned as he walked over and laid out Keith for the umpteenth time.

"I take it he has some issue with that dude?" She asked me.

"He's a dink and decided to humiliate Coop's older sister since then, there is no love lost between them," I told her.

"Well, he does look like a tool," she commented.

"So, you new?" I asked her.

"What gave it away? The fact, I have no idea where anything is or the fact most of these people are twits," she remarked as she smirked.

"Smartass, I like that. I think you and I will get along just nicely," I told her as she laughed. "So, what's your name?" I asked her.

"Larissa Gray," she introduced herself.

"Casey O'Neil," I introduced myself.

I decided to show her around since she seemed kind of cool. I introduced her to everyone, and she sat with us at lunch. She fit right in with everyone, shocker.

After school, I went home and walked into the house to be greeted by my two dads.

"How was school?" Ty asked.

"Same shit, different day," I answered.

"Couldn't you come up with some new material?" Gavin asked me.

"Okay, same shit, different day and met some new girl who crashed into me. Watched her layout the banshees, introduced her to everyone, and her name is Larissa Gray," I said as I walked away.

"Whoa, wait a minute," Ty yelled as they both ran and cornered me in the kitchen.

"Did you say a girl?" Gavin asked.

"Did you say her last name was Gray?" Ty asked.

"Yes to both of your questions and before you decide to give me dating advice, save it. I'm perfectly happy being single," I told them.

"You know, if your gay, we have no problem with that," Gavin reminded me.

"Okay, not gay for the millionth time, Coop is gay. I'm perfectly secure in my sexuality and fine with being single," I informed him.

"Just saying, we support you," Gavin added as Ty nodded.

"And I support the fact; you two are misinformed. Look, I get you to want to be supportive, but not everyone is gay who doesn't date. People can be fine, being who they are without having someone draped on them like a coat," I retorted as I opened the fridge and pulled out water.

"Casey, you're sixteen. When I was sixteen, I was quite the man," Ty mentioned, confidently.

"Was that before or after you threw a hissy fit about dad?" I asked him.

He looked at Gavin, "You told him?"

Gavin shrugged, "Well, you did whine a lot."

That's all they wrote as Ty went off his nut and stormed out of the kitchen as we stood there and watched him throw a hissy fit.

"Prima Donna," I said as Gavin chuckled. He walked into the other room as I shook my head. I will never understand those two, but I'm okay with that. I don't think I want too.

In case you're wondering, yes Larissa is from The Gray Sisters, surprise!

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