A bumpy road

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The next day, I got ready for school, had some breakfast, still wasn't talking to my parents, but only to Coop. When they tried to speak to me, I just spoke to Coop. I know childish, but I was angry with them. It was part of my recovery, not to bottle things up and deal with my emotions.

"Are you ready to go back?" My dad asked me.

I just ate my breakfast, not bothering to answer his question.

"Andi?" He looked at me questionably.

I turned to Coop, "I'm a bit nervous, but I'll be fine." Coop looked at me weird.

"Andi, you can answer me, you don't have to tell your brother," dad told me getting a bit annoyed.

"Coop, can you tell dad, that maybe if him and mom along with the other dinks, wouldn't have made a stupid bet, I would be speaking to them," I said to Coop.

"I don't have to, considering he can hear you and no offense, but I'm not playing monkey in the middle with this," he replied as he got up and put his plate in the sink. Some help he is.

Would you think your sibling would help you out a bit? Not Coop, he would prefer you to drown on your own.

"By the way, this is stupid to be angry over a bet they all made when all they were figuring out when you and Brandon would get together," Coop mentioned to me.

"What?" I looked at him, confused.

"Andi, the bet wasn't about you two getting together it was about when. Dad mentioned homecoming while Caleb mentioned Christmas," he answered as I looked at him a bit stunned.

I looked at my dad and mom. My dad didn't know what to say while my mom ate quietly.

Coop walked over to me, "sometimes parents see who is better for us than we see because emotions do not so blind them. Papa knew dad was better for mom than his brother was."

"Wait. What?" I looked at him, really confused.

"Man you are oblivious, and I am so out of here," he smirked as he left the kitchen.

I have realized one important thing about my family; they are crazy. I finished my breakfast and put my plate in the sink before leaving for school.

I drove over and picked up Marta before driving to school. She got into the car and looked at me, "girl, what is seriously wrong with you?"

"What are you talking about?" I asked her.

"I'm talking about the fact that poor Brandon feels like everything he tries with you, you end up being the odd man out," she answered me.

I gave her a look as she rolled her eyes at me. Contrary to popular belief, I planned on talking to Brandon when we got to school.

We arrived a few minutes later, and I walked inside, finding him at his locker. I took a deep breath before walking over to him. Once I reach him, I greeted him, "Hey Brandon."

He stopped what he was doing and looked at me, unhappily.

"Okay, I understand you're upset but," I started to say when he stopped me.

"Andi, I can't keep doing this," he told me.

"Can't keeping doing what?" I looked at him, confused.

"This," he gestured between us, "I can't keep doing this. I open myself up, only to get kicked in the teeth. I'm honest and treated with resentment. I watch you fawn all over guys that don't care, while I sit back and hope you see me the way you see them. I come to realize; it's never going to happen." He closed his locker door and walked away.

I turned and watched as he disappeared around the corner, "I was going to apologize and tell you I like you too," I mumbled as I felt defeated once again.

The urge to vomit was becoming too much, so I decided to go someplace else instead of the bathroom. I found myself in the school garden and found a seat where I just sat there. I couldn't deal with classes right now, and I didn't want to go home.

I was right. The minute I opened myself up to the possibility of liking someone, I got shot down once again. I told everyone, and everyone all assured me to give it a shot. Everyone was wrong, and once again, I was left to feeling not good enough.

After school, I went home and straight to my room. I closed and locked the door, not bothering to speak to anyone. That didn't sit well with my parents, who found out from the school; I was absent from all my classes. They also found my bedroom door locked as dad pounded on it.

"Andi, open the door!" He yelled as he pounded on it.

I didn't answer.

"Andi! Please, Hunny! Open the door!" He yelled again as they tried to get my door opened. I still didn't answer as I sat there on the floor with my knees to my chest and my head down.

They finally got my door opened with dad removing the door handle. They opened it to hear sniffling. He walked over and crouched down in front of me as I lifted my head to reveal tear streak cheeks.

"Brandon lied. He rejected me just like the others, and I realize I'm never going to be good enough for anyone," I whispered as he furrowed his brows at me. "No one wants me, dad." I started to cry as he pulled me to him. As much as I was angry with my father, I needed that hug from him.

At this point, it didn't matter anymore. I was done trying. Every time I tried, someone rejected me, and I was sick of it. No one wanted me and anyone that claimed they did was big fat liars. Brandon proved that today.

I decided at that moment; I would give up on love. In the end, it bites you in the ass. I'll focus on my recovery and forget love. I mean who needs it anyway, right?

Well, things are a bit bumpy, but someone is going to take matters into their own hands to help Andi and Brandon out. Sometimes a father knows best.

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