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I finally felt better after a couple of days. Having the flu sucks. Being arrested while having the flu sucks. Seeing Andi defend me was the best thing ever.

I walked into school and saw her with the others. I walked towards her and pulled her to me as I crashed my lips into hers.

"Someone is feeling better," Casey commented.

I pulled back and looked at her. "I'm feeling much better." Then I smiled as she smiled at me. I released her and held her hand.

"How are you feeling jailbird?" Casey asked me.

"Considering the police arrested me for something I didn't do while being sick, much better," answered.

"This reminds me, why would she accuse you?" Andi asked as the others looked at me.

"She wanted to go out with me, but I refused," I answered. She looked at me, confused. "I was meant for you." Her expression changed at that moment.

I looked at Brandon when he said that and realized what he meant. He waited for me even when I didn't see it and was infatuated with someone else.

We heard sniffles, and all of us looked at Casey.

"That's so sweet," he faked sniffled, "and disturbing all at the same time." He smirked.

"Why must you always ruin a moment?" Marta asked him.

"Because I don't do cheese unless it's on a burger and even then it's iffy," he retorted. Marta rolled her eyes at him.

"One day, Casey, you will meet someone who will flip your world upside down," Coop told him.

"And that day is not today or tomorrow or the future," Casey told him.

"What do you have against love?" I asked him.

"Love is swelled and amazing for other people. To me, it's nothing but a headache. No offense, but I refuse to catch feelings," he told me.

Casey was very odd. He wasn't the type to get hung up on someone or developed a crush. He was okay with being single. I had a feeling someone would flip his world upside down.

Brandon and I walked to class, hand in hand.

"Thanks, Andi," he said.

"For what?"

"For believing I didn't do it. Even though I was unconscious and out of my mind, my parents told me what you did. I'm sorry I didn't answer your calls," he apologized.

"Well, NyQuil tends to knock you out." I shrugged as we laughed.

We went to classes, then to lunch. I had to admit it was nice to know Brandon's incapable of something like that. Even before we got together and we're just friends, he never once did anything terrible to a girl. His parents would throttle him if he did.

"I heard you were in the slammer," Cody mentioned as he sat down and we all looked at him strangely. He looked at us. "Don't look at me that way; everyone's talking about it."

"Did they also mentioned that someone falsely accused Brandon?" Marta asked him.

"Yep, they did. Have you've been to high school?" He asked her as we all looked at each other. "People talk and gossip. It's what they do because they're bored." He shrugged as he ate.

Why did I have a crush on this guy again?

"Or stupid," Casey added as we tried not to laugh.

"It's a known fact people will discuss other people even if they don't have any business doing so," Cody replied as I shook my head. That was the problem with high school, too many rumors.

As we sat there discussing high school mentality, we heard a lot of commotion as someone yelled, "Well, next time, learn something!"

We all turned to see the new girl yelling at some girls.

"You're dead," one yelled back.

"Oh, please, I could knock you out with one hit. You don't scare me," the girl countered as we watched one lunge for her, only dropped. "Amateurs," she said as she brushed off her hands.

She turned and strolled over to us.

"What was that?" Marta asked her.

"That," she said as she pointed to the girl on the floor, "was her trying to be cool. Now, she a mat."

"Are you always this violent?" Brandon asked her.

She gave him a look. "That's not violent. That's tame. You should see what my cousins do. No offense, but when you grow up with guys, you have to learn how to defend yourself," she informed him.

"I take it; your family is a bit nut?" Coop asked her.

"Let's see; my ma is a quint and crazy. My great-great-grandmother was bat shit crazy. My grammy raised crazy boys. My nana had to deal with the same crazy boys, passing the crazy gene down to my ma and aunts. We're all a little crazy," she explained as we all looked at her as she was crazy.

"That's a whole lot of crazy," Casey mentioned.

"Eh, they leave you alone for the most part." She shrugged.

She walked over and sat down next to Casey.

"What are we talking about?" She asked curiously.

"We're talking about Brandon being a jailbird and people gossiping," Cody answered.

The rest of us rolled our eyes.

"For a crime, I didn't commit," Brandon reminded him.

"Seriously?" She asked with a look. We nodded. "Pft, that's nothing. People accuse my family of so much shit, it's not even funny, and they have even been to jail."

We did a double-take.

"They're free, but only after someone had to get involved. The police know my family well. As for rumors, most people spread them, are usually spreading their legs. Ignore them," she said as I sat there. I have no words right now. This girl was a trip.

"Now, if you excuse me, I have places to be and people to terrorize," she said as she got up. She started to walk away until she turned and walked over to Casey, dragging him out of his seat.

"Who says I want to be part of your lunacy?" He yelled.

"I say," she yelled back.

"Someone needs to pray for Casey," Coop mentioned.

"Why?" I asked.

"Because I think he's met his match," he answered as we all looked at each other. I had a feeling Coop was right. Casey wasn't one to settle down and was okay with being single. The only problem is, he was going to have to contend with a girl who would refuse to take no for an answer. That should be interesting.

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