Coming home

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Today they were releasing Andi, and I wanted to see her, but I also wanted to talk to her. Of course, Casey told me I was a dink for telling her about the bet our parents had going. I didn't care; I needed to be honest with her by telling her the truth. If anything were to happen with Andi and me, the last thing I needed was to keep secrets from her.

I showed up at her house and walked up to the door. After knocking, her front door opened to her standing there, face to face. She looked terrific. Her skin glowed with it, and she looked healthy.

"Hey, Brandon," she greeted me with a smile.

"Hey Andi," I smiled back.

"Did you want to come in?" She asked me.

"I wanted to talk to you about something," I said to her as she looked at me, confused. She stepped out on the porch and closed the door.

My heart was pounding inside my chest as I explained to her about the bet our parents had going and also told I had nothing to do with it. I reasoned that I didn't want any secrets and nothing to come between a Chance with her. Her reaction was less than favorable as she went back inside the house and slammed the door on me.

I stood there, feeling utter, defeated. I think I just blew my chance with Andi. I turned and walked back to my car as I got in and left.

When I walked back inside, my parents came out of the kitchen.

"Andi?" Dad said to me. I didn't bother to say anything to him or my mom. Instead, I walked past them and went up to my room. They looked at each other as I closed the door behind me.

Not only was I terrible with guys, but I had my best friend confess his feelings to me, only to find out our parents had some stupid bet going. It made me wonder if Brandon's feelings were real or not? At this point, I didn't even know.


I arrived home and met with my parents at the front door.

"That was quick," my dad commented as I looked at him.

"It didn't go well?" Mom said as I gave her a look.

"No, I told her the truth about both of your stupid bet with the other parents, and she wasn't happy to hear that," I answered.

"Wait, how did you find out about that?" Dad questioned me, annoying me even further.

"Casey told me, and does it matter? The truth is I wanted to be honest with Andi so she didn't think I had anything to do with this and it blew up in my face. So, yeah, telling her how I felt didn't even matter," I told them before walking away. The truth was, I wanted to be honest, and it blew up in my face.

After my exchange with my parents, they decided to call the others and figure out what to do. Thanks to them, I was back to square one.

"I told you this would blow up in your face," Mariana said, incredulously as they looked at her.

"I got to agree with Chiquita banana over here," Gavin thumbed at her as she hauled off and smacked him upside the head.

"Will you two stop duking it out? I swear this is Casey's fifth birthday all over again," Kevin reminded them.

"That's because she forgets Casey is not hers," Ty told him.

"I carried him for nine months. I get to claim him as mine, you puta," Mariana huffed as Andrew interrupted them.

"Can you two fight later? We got bigger issues to deal with," he told them as they stuck their tongue out at each other.

"That's real mature," Caleb added as they shot him a dirty look while Brila rolled her eyes.

"Guys, fighting isn't getting us anywhere. We still have the issue of Andi and Brandon going on," Bella reminded them.

"Okay, oh, wise one, what do you suggest?" Gavin questioned her as she looked at them, and they all groaned. They all knew what was coming, and it was never good when one person got involved.

I sat in my room, contemplating my pathetic existence, I like to refer to as my love life. Well, it's nonexistent, but you get the point. I finally get released and can actually talk to Brandon about his feelings and then get slapped with the fact our parents made a stupid bet, ugh.

As I sat there, I heard a knock at my door.

"Go away, dad! I don't want to talk to you," I yelled at the door. They knocked again, and I ignored it until they became persistent. Ugh, what part of I don't want to talk to you, doesn't he get?

I got up and stormed over to my door, whipping it open, "I said I didn't want to talk to you!"

"Oh, really," Papa said as he crossed his arms across his chest.

I gave him a look as I rolled my eyes and shook my head. My parents must have called him.

"Excuse me, don't roll your eyes at me. Do it to your dipwad parents but never to me," he ordered me.

I gave him an annoyed look as he uncrossed his arms and held them out, which meant to hug him. I hugged him as he hugged me back.

"You look good," he complimented me.

"I feel better except now," I sighed.

"Yeah, I heard," he told me.

I let go of him as I walked into my room with him following behind me.

"It's just now I feel like an even bigger loser than before," I huffed.

"Why, because your dipwad parents and their equal dipwad friends decided to do a stupid thing like make a bet?" He arched an eyebrow at me.

"When you put it that way," I started to say to him.

"Andi, you can't blame Brandon for adults making a stupid decision. He was honest with you, unlike them, who can't seem to find their head from their ass," he reasoned.

"That's disturbing," I cringed.

"It's the truth, and the truth is alarming. I mean, look who I got as a son-in-law. Bob is the biggest dipwad out there. I'm pretty sure he had his hand in this bullshit," he reasoned.

"I didn't not!" I heard grandpa yell as he walked into my room.

Papa looked at him, "I see you're still wearing that shirt from the '90s. I thought Ruth burned it," he remarked to grandpa.

"Nope, only because I hid it," he grinned as papa gave him an annoyed look.

"See what I mean?" Papa asked me.

I looked at both of them. That was so not helping me.

"Andi, Brandon doesn't strike me as the type of person who would lie to you or do something underhanded. I let the kid. He's pretty straight forward," grandpa said to me.

"Finally, the first non-dipwad thing you said," papa teased him as grandpa became annoyed with him. Those two are something else.

"Just talk to him," papa reasoned as I looked at them.

Maybe they were right. I was just afraid if I opened myself to the possibility, and rejected by someone, it would set back my recovery. The last thing I needed was to deal with more rejection. Guess I would find out soon enough when I returned to school tomorrow.

It looks like Brandon and Andi hit a minor snag. Things are going to be a bit bumpy in the next chapter but hang in there because we still got homecoming to deal with as well. Expect a bit of chaos to ensue.

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