A day of Love

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Today is Valentine's Day, yippee. I hate this godforsaken day.

"Hey, downer, do you mind?" Casey asked me as I gave him a look. "Just because you are single, doesn't mean you have to be a sourpuss."

"You're single," I reminded him.

"And apparently, wanted," Casey said as he opened his locker and a billion of Valentine's fell out of his cabinet.

"Did you buy out Hallmark?" Brandon asked as he and Andi walked up.

"I wish. I don't think my dads would appreciate me spending that type of money on paper," Casey answered as Brandon laughed.

I furrowed my brows and walked away. I didn't need reminding of a day where people were going to be lovey dove, and I was single. All-day I watched as couples showed PDA and sat there. My mood was souring by the minute.

At lunch, I sat there eating my lunch when someone tapped me on the shoulder. I stopped eating and looked to see a girl standing there. Everyone looked at us as she handed me a heart. I took it and looked at her, confused.

"You know I'm gay, right?" I asked her.

"Yep," she said as she turned and walked away.

I sat there confused, then another girl walked up to me and handed me a heart-shaped box of chocolates. Before I could say anything, she walked away. A third girl walked up and handed me a teddy bear, followed by a fourth girl, who gave me roses. What in the hell?

Everyone sat there, confused as I looked at the stuff in my arms.

"Attention everyone, but I have something to say," a voice announced on the loudspeaker. Now what? "There's this guy, who I like a lot, but has issues. Man, does he have issues."

I recognized the voice as everyone chuckled.

"I wanted to show him that I like him and prove that I think he's soooo cute," the person said in the most annoying voice ever. "So, Coop, don't be a dink and give in. You have two hours." The person got off the intercom as I looked at everyone.

"Looks like Cody is serious about his affection for you," Casey chuckled as I shook my head and sighed.

"Cody's going off to school. Let's say I agree, which I do not agree with anything. We date, he leaves, and I'm stuck listening to shitty ass music. No, thank you," I said as I placed the stuff on the table and left.

Does anyone know how difficult it is to maintain a long-distance relationship? It's challenging, and I don't want to wake up one day to find out Cody found someone else. Love sucks.

After school, I dodged a bullet and hid in Marta's car as Cody went looking for me.

"Drive, you puta," I told her as she gave me a look. She drove and dropped me off at papa's house. It was better than going home. Cody knows where I live, and he's probably camped out at my house, waiting on me.

I walked in and closed the door as I shook the snow off me.

"When did you become the abominable snowman?" Papa asked.

"When Marta kicked me out of her car and made me trudge through snow up to my dick," I retorted as Papa arched an eyebrow.

"Who pissed in your cereal?" He asked.

I removed my coat and walked over to the couch, sitting down next to him.

"Cody declared to everyone he likes me, a lot and gave me a bunch of stuff," I told him.

"Isn't that the kid you have the hots for?" He asked me.

"That's not the point," I said.

"Okay, Andy Pandy, 2.0 get to the point because I'm getting older by the minute," he retorted.

"He's leaving in the fall, and I'm stuck here," I told him.

"This sounds familiar," he said.


"Your dipwad father had the same issue, but he was the one leaving. He dumped your mother because he's a dipwad and didn't find out the truth. I got to listen to lame-ass music while your mother bawled until I kicked her out of the house. He got smart, that's debatable and came back to fix things, which he almost screwed the pooch on," Papa explained.

"What does this have to do with me?" I asked.

"You're your father's child. You have fifty percent of his dipwad genes and fifty percent of your oblivious mothers genes. It's simple. Cave and give the schmuck a chance so that I can have peace, don't confess to a murder you didn't commit," he added as he got up and went into the kitchen.

I sat there and sighed.

"Your grandfather is right," nana said as I looked at her.

"I'm always right. No one listens to me," Papa yelled from the kitchen.

"Mack, you had your say, now I have mine," Nana yelled.

"Fine, then come in here and bake me a pie," he replied as she rolled her eyes.

"Bake your damn pie," Nana told him.

"Fine, I will," he yelled back as I looked at them weird.

"Coop, I know you're hesitant about opening up to Cody, but if you don't try, you will never know," Nana reasoned.

"What about this fall?" I asked.

"A lot can change before then. If it's meant to be, then it will be," she said as I looked at her. "You don't want the chance of missing out on being happy, do you?"

"No," I answered as she smiled.

"Then, go be happy," she suggested as I sighed.

"Okay, fine," I said as I got up and put on my coat. I left my grandparents to bicker over a pie as I went to see Cody.

I realized I didn't have the car because Marta dropped me off and called Brandon to pick me up. He didn't answer, so I called Casey. Unfortunately, Casey did answer. He pulled into the driveway, and I got into the car as he backed out and we slid almost hitting another vehicle.

"Christ, Casey!" I yelled.

"Oops, my bad," Casey retorted as he shrugged.

"I might not even get to be happy with your driving," I retorted.

"My driving has nothing to do with your happiness. You screw that up all on your own," Casey remarked as I rolled my eyes.

Casey pulled up to Cody's house, and I got out of the car.

"Good luck. You're going to need it," Casey told me as he took off before I had a chance to say anything.

I trudged through the snow, up to the front door and knocked as I froze my ass off. The door opened, and through chattering teeth, I said, "Look, I'm sorry. I'm afraid if I agree to date you, you will go off to college and drop me. Then, my grandparents bickered over pie and told me to be happy. Here I am."

Cody reached out and yanked me to him as he kissed me while my teeth chattered. It's freaking cold out here.

He pulled back. "What took you so long?" He asked me.

"Can we go inside before I get blue balls and I explained it to you?" I asked him as he pulled me into the house and closed the door.

I didn't know what would happen now, but I was willing to find out.

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