julian blaclthorn : obvious

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(Y/N) stretched her arms over her head, entered the kitchen and poured herself a cup of coffee. The coffee was black, and turned a light shade of tan as she poured cream and sugar in.

Her eyes were half closed, seeing as she would now be running on less than four hours of sleep until tonight. Last night had been one of the longest, she had spent the whole night up with Ty and Livvy trying to help fix their demon scanners.

"Morning." A deep voice said. (Y/N) recognized the voice immediately, it was Julian.

She turned around to face him, he was dressed in training clothes and his hair was pushed back in damn chocolate swirls, "Hi." (Y/N) said, leaning against the counter and sipping her coffee.

Julian's brow furrowed at her, "What's wrong?" He asked, of course he noticed the change in tone of her voice. She had been living with them for almost four years now, it had started as just one year of study abroad but she fell in love with the city and the family: to mention Julian.

"Nothing." (Y/N) lied, shaking her head. They weren't together, in fact (Y/N) was partially convinced that Julian was in love with his parabatai Emma, but that couldn't be. Sometimes (Y/N) would catch herself staring at him for just a little to long, her eyes wondering over his body while they trained. Every once in a while he would catch her, then flash her a smile that could light the sky and ask her if she was alright.

"Don't lie to me." It wasn't aggressive, it was a worried tone. He sounded as if he was pleading with her to tell him.

(Y/N) sighed, "I went to bed really late." She shrugged her shoulders before turning her back to Julian and running her now empty coffee mug out.

Julian's eyes locked on the back of (Y/N)'s head when Cristina and Emma entered the kitchen laughing. Emma's eyes darted to her best friend, feeling the tightness of his chest in hers. She looked over at (Y/N), knowing how badly Julian wanted her. It pained her to know that he would never believe enough in himself to think that she could want him too.

"What were you doing?" Julian asked, his voice surprisingly steady.

(Y/N) dried her hands on the towel hanging from the fridge door, "Helping Ty and Livvy with the scanners." She answered, still leaning against the now damp counter.

Julian's brow crunched, he hadn't realized that the three of them had been up that late trying to fix what he had broken. His chest tightened as he noticed the bags under (Y/N)'s eyes, thinking that the same ones might be under his siblings eyes as well. He especially felt bad because he knew that (Y/N) hadn't slept well the night prior to last, Jules had found her at three am taking shots at a punching bag.

"I'm sorry." His voice was genuine, and if it hadn't been clear in his voice Julian's face looked as if someone had just kicked a small chocolate dog.

(Y/N) shrugged. She tried to get rid of her tiredness by running her hands over her face, "It's not a big deal J." A nickname she had picked up for him over the years, it was short and all her own.

"No its not." Julian said, shaking his head and crossing the kitchen. His body was close to hers, almost forgetting that there was two other people in the room, and he looked down at her. He had never realized how much he towered over her, about four inches, until now. Brows narrowed he spoke again, quieter than before, "You haven't been sleeping." It wasn't a question, the signs were clear. The bags under her eyes, increased coffee intake and she was more irritable than normal.

(Y/N) felt like she was under a microscope, but in a good way. Julian was looking at her, really looking at her. For months now she had been struggling to keep it together, pushing herself so close to the breaking point in order to make everyone around her happy. Trying so hard for everyone else that she had forgotten to take care of herself.

She didn't say anything, but tossed her body into his. Julian's chest was hard and his arms felt safe secured around her. (Y/N) now understood why all the kids constantly wanted a hug from Julian, he was comforting. She wasn't sure how he did it, raised four kids all while being a kid himself.

His fingers traced the length of her spine, trying to keep himself from reacting to much or holding her too tight. Guilt flooded his system as she shook against his chest, her tears for sure staining his shirt.

After a few minutes (Y/N) pulled back suddenly, almost knocking her head into his chin. She wiped her eyes, "I'm sorry." Her voice sounded so hollow, "I stained your shirt." (Y/N) noticed, then started to dab the blotches.

Julian caught her hand, "It's alright." His breath fanned her face, his hand fitting completely around hers. If she hadn't been so upset (Y/N) was sure that her heart would be racing from having him this close to her.

(Y/N) chuckled, "Thanks." The laugh she let out wasn't a light hearted one, it was the kind of laugh you laugh when you don't know what else to do. "I think I'm going to go-"

"Lay down." Julian finished for her, still holding onto her hand. "Just take a day for yourself." He suggested, still feeling like he was the one who had caused her break down. In all her time here Julian had only seen her cry and handful of times, this was one of the worst.

(Y/N) smiled at him, "Thank you." She whispered, giving him one last hug before exiting the room.

His eyes followed her, watched as the kitchen door swung closed behind her. Julian jumped when he heard someone clear their throat, it was Emma. She was siting on the counter with her legs hanging and Cristina standing next to her, both of them with their arms crossed.

"What?" Julian asked, confused as to why they were staring at him with matching looks.

Emma smirked, "You love her." She stated, feeling her heart beat out of her chest in joy. She was sure that her heartbeat matched his, the increased rate and sweaty palms.

Julian let out a nervous laugh, grabbing the back of his neck and smiling, "That obvious?"

Word Count: 1117

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