kit herondale : hands like ice

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(Y/N) looked out across the LA streets, her head on a constant swivel - looking from side to side then down to the scanner and back - as she observed what was around her.

She was dressed from head to toe in Shadowhunter gear. A black long sleeve turtle neck, black pants and a black gear jacket on top. On her belt she had two steels, one was hers and the other was a spare, two seraph blades, and a few other small blades and weapons.

She was so focused on what was in front of her that she didn't notice that Kit was staring at her. Beside her he sat, not looking out at the streets, with his eyes fixed on her. Kit couldn't help but stare at her, he thought she was beyond beautiful.

"It's awfully cold tonight," (Y/N) started, rubbing her hands together and glancing down at the thermostat on the car. She then glanced up at Kit, watching his eye quickly dart to the streets, and narrowed her eyes. "There shouldn't be too much excitement tonight." She told him, a lot of Demons didn't like the cold, they preferred hot nights - (Y/N) figured the heat reminded them of home.

Kit let out a heavy breath, one that he wasn't aware he had been holding, when he heard her speak. He had only been training for a few months, truth be told if they had to fight anything tonight Kit would surely fail. And he knew that (Y/N) knew that too, she hadn't been very excited when she heard she would be with him on patrol tonight.

"Hey." (Y/N) called lightly, strolling into the Los Angeles Hub dressed from top to bottom in Black Shadowhunter gear. Her hair pulled back into two matching braids, Emma had probably done it. "So who am I going with tonight? Emma - oh please be Emma? Oh Ty? Livvy?" She asked Julian, hands clasped together and it looked like she was begging him.

(Y/N) has known Julian almost her entire life, her parents had been good friends of the Blackthorns before the war. She had practically grown up in the LA Institute, running around with Emma and Julian, even if she was two years younger than them.

After the war, her parents and theirs dead, she somehow convinced the Clave to let her stay in Los Angles. They had wanted her to go to The Academy, but Julian and Emma had begged on her behalf. The Clave only listed when their uncle had promised to take good care of him. But now no one inside the Institute ever saw him now.

Julian gave her a look, the kind you give when you knew you are about to give someone disappointing news. "No." He said shaking him head, his chocolate hair shaking, man did he need a hair cut.

Her face dropped slightly, unsure of who else he would be sending her out with. "Okay, then who Julian?" She asked, sliding another Seraph blade onto her belt.

"Actually I was thinking you could bring Kit." He suggested.

Kit was new to LA, and the Shadowhunter life. He wasn't familiar with any form of combat, could barley hold a Seraph blade and Julian wanted to send him on patrol?


"He has to go out sometime, and I trust you." Julian told her, turning around as if he wasn't giving her a choice.

(Y/N) sighed, tightening her belt before she went to find Kit.

She hadn't been very excited about his company when (Y/N) had come to Kits door to tell him he was going on patrol. He could tell that she was basically dreading it, and he was hoping it was only because of his inexperience and not because of him himself.

Truth be told (Y/N) hadn't been very excited about taking Kit with her. There was two reasons for this. Reason number one: she hated the idea of having to fight a demon with Kit, he had no experience. Reason number two: being alone with him scared her, because she liked him so much.

Kit looked down at his hands, feeling them tingle as he started to loose feeling. He then shivered, a chill running down his spine.

(Y/N) narrowed her eyes, then reached her hand out to grasp his hands. She gasped as she touched him, "You're hands are like ice." (Y/N) said, leaning over to grab the other one as well. They were both equally as cold. She quickly dropped them before reaching for her steele.

Kit smirked, looking up at her from under his blonde lashed, "Wanna warm me up then?" He asked, his Herondale charisma shining through.

(Y/N) stooped her hands from pulling up his sleeve to draw a Heating Rune on his skin, "Are you flirting with me?" She asked, feeling his erratic pulse on his wrist beat against her fingers. (Y/N) couldn't tell for sure if he was flirting with her, but she was almost certain. She wasn't sure if she really wanted to know the answer for sure, but the idea made her stomach so back flips.

Her fingers started to move on his again, pulling up his sleeve before swiftly drawing a Heating Rune on the inside of his wrist. She tensed as he let out a soft groan, feeling heat rush down to his finger tips.

"How nice of you to finally notice." Kit said, tugging his sleeve back. He clenched his hands once, before turning in his seat so he was staring out at LA.

She blinked at him, a look of confusion on her face. How bold of him to just come out and say that he was flirting with her, and had been. (Y/N) thought back to all her other interactions with him, thinking about all the one liners her had used on her. All the times he would wink at her from across the room, compliment her and is many other cues she had missed.

"Seriously?" (Y/N) asked, still not believing him.

Kit chuckled, tossing his head ball and closing his eyes. When he opened them they seemed bluer that before, if that was possible, against the black setting of night behind him. "Yeah, since I met you actually." He admitted, then knitted his eyebrows together, "You didn't notice?"

She shook her head, "Not at all."

He stared off towards the darkness, thinking about every interaction he had had with her, all the times he had flirted. "Damn, I just thought you weren't interested." Kit said lightly, still lightly laughing.

(Y/N) joined him laughing, "I thought you weren't interested!" She slapped his arm playfully, falling back in the drivers seat to laugh.

Laughter filled the car cabin for a long time, both Kit and (Y/N) clenching their stomachs from laughing so hard. Their eyes would meet every few seconds before they returned to laughing some more.

Eventually the laugher died out, leaving (Y/N) and Kit staring at each other with happy eyes.

(Y/N) brought her hand out and slid her hands into his golden hair, running the tips of her fingers across his scalp. She smiled as he dropped his head forward, allowing her better access to his hair.

"I'm sorry I didn't notice you trying to get my attention." (Y/N) whispered, so low that Kit almost lost her words in his own thoughts.

He looked up when she apologized. Although he heard her words Kit wasn't sure if she owed him an apology, of any kind.

"There's no need to apologize." Kit told her, shaking his head slightly as her hands slipped to the nap of his neck. "All that matters is that now we both know." He finished, dipping his head closer to hers.

She smiled, there was nothing else she needed to say. They both knew what would come from this. (Y/N) stared into Kit's eyes, getting lost in the ocean that they were, wanting to drown in him. Kit lowered his lips to her, brushing against her before bringing his hands to the sides of her face.

The scanner buzzed, causing both of them to jump and almost bumping heads as they scrambled to look down. Kit let out a soft groan in frustration, of course Demons would ruin this moment. (Y/N) laughed at him, running a comforting hand across his shoulders blades. She then turned the car over and quickly started off in the direction of the demon.

Word Count:

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