alec lightwood : fiesty

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Requested by @beautifulmax2001

(Y/N) made her way towards the computers in the Hub, she needed to enter in another piece of information into a file she had on a Demon she had been chasing for around five months now. The demon was supposed to be responsible for the death of six children, and counting. (Y/N) had been gathering information about this lesser demon for months, and she was so close to catching it, she could feel it.

She logged into the computer and scanned the desktop for her file, but she couldn't find it. Her brow furrowed as she then looked and opened each file. The file was gone, missing, and all her hard work with it.

"Hey (Y/N)." Said a high pitched voice that made (Y/N) cringe. The voice belonged to Clary Fray, a recent addition to the New York Institute who had recently discovered that her father was The Valentine Morgenstern. They had been trying to find him too for weeks, trying to get back the two mortal Instruments that he had stolen. Clary was annoying,  she thought that just because her mother was missing and she had recently discovered she was a Shadowhunter meant that she knew everything. She was reckless and didn't care who got hurt in her quest to get her mother back. Multiple times Alec, Jace and Izzy has been put in danger because of her.

(Y/N) turned in the chair to face the red-head. "Do you know what happened to my file?" She asked, pointing to computer screen.

Clary was going through piles of folders, not really listening to what (Y/N) was saying. "Yeah, I deleted a few files to make room for more information on Valentine." Her voice suggested that what she did was justified, that her selfish actions were alright.

"You did what?" (Y/N) hissed, her eyes blazing with pure rage. She was unsure if she had heard Clary correctly, there was no way that she was that dumb.

"Yeah I deleted them, we got another lead on-"

"That doesn't mean you delete other peoples files!" (Y/N) yelled, standing from the chair she had been in and advancing Clary. "I'd been gathering that information for months! How stupid can you be?" She cried out, slamming her hand down on the table next to the new girl.

Clary turned to her, "Are you saying that information on Valentine isn't important?" She asked viscously, still not understanding the severity of her actions. "May I remind you he had my mother, and two of the Mortal Instruments." Clary said, acting like she was in the right. There was a certain arrogance to her voice that made (Y/N) wasn't to hit her even more.

Heat rose in her throat, she wanted to scream, "Are you saying the life of six kids aren't important?" (Y/N) snapped back, her chest now pressed against Clary's in pure anger. It was taking every bit of restraint not to hit her, oh angel how (Y/N) wanted to hit her.

"Oh." Although Clary's face fell, it still seemed like she didn't understand. "I'm not going to apologize." She said, sticking her head back into the air.

White hot rage took over (Y/N), her dominant hand flying out and striking Clary in the face. A wave of relief ran over her as Clary reached for her face in pain, gasping when her nose crunched under (Y/N)'s fist.

Jace and Alec had chosen the perfect moment to walk in. Both of them running to their girlfriends, pulling to screaming girls apart. (Y/N) was still kicking and screaming at Clary as Alec's arms wrapped around her waist. Jace was holding Clary as her nose bled, trying to keep her from hitting (Y/N) back. As much as Jace loved Clary, he knew she didn't stand a chance against (Y/N).

Minutes passed before both girls stilled in their boyfriends grasps. Alec and Jace stared a look before speaking, "What the hell happened?" Alec asked, looking down at his girlfriend. Sure he wasn't the biggest fan of  Clary's, but he had never assaulted her.

(Y/N) broke out of his arms with a huff, "She deleted my file." She growled, her blood still boiling. "On the demon that killed those six kids!" (Y/N) cried, jumping in Clary's direction again. Alec caught her waist as her face neared Clary's, Jace pulling his girlfriend back to protect her.

"Why would you do that?" He asked, trying not to sound to angry at the bleeding girl. (Y/N) stilled in his grasp, her skin burning hot against his.

Clary held her nose still, "I had to make room for that lead we found on Valentine." She said, as if that excused her actions.

Jace and Alec both sighed, "I've got is Alec." Jace said, addressing his parabatai. Alec nodded, still having (Y/N) by the waist before making his way towards the door of the Hub. When (Y/N) tried to lunge towards Clary again he hauled her over his head and continued walking.

He took her to his room, closing the door behind him with his foot before setting her down. The second her feet hit the ground she began pacing, anger still burned bright within her.

"What a complete idiot!" She cried out, tossing her hands in the hair. Exasperation poured out of her, she was so furious. All of her hard work and now she had nothing, now she may never catch the demon responsible for killing those kids.

"(Y/N)." Alec said, trying to gain her attention.

"No Alec!" She yelled again, not even turning to face him. "I can't believe this, how could she be so incredibly stupid! So selfish!" (Y/N) continued to yell, she was sure that others could hear her but right now she didn't care.

Alec sighed, trying to reach for her but got swatted away, "(Y/N)." He tried again, his voice more persistent this time.

Not that she heard him. Her thoughts were to loud to hear a work he was saying. (Y/N) chewed on the inside of her thumb, eyes fixated on the floor as she paced.

Alec rose from his place on the arm of his couch, stopping her in her path. "(Y/N)." This time he got her attention, she looked up at him with misty eyes. She cared so much about others, she was so passionate and everyone mistook her passion for anger and rudeness.

"Alec what am I going to do?" She asked, the damn behind her eyes finally breaking and tears running down her cheeks.

He pulled her into him, rubbing his large hands across her shoulder blades and planting kisses on her tear stained cheeks. She sobbed into his chest for minutes before silencing with a sniffle and pulling away.

"Thank you." She mumbled quietly, Alec was the only person she was soft with. Everyone else only saw the hard exterior, but he saw her cry and laugh.

Alec nodded towards his desk, "Come here." He said, pulling her by their intertwined hands. (Y/N) followed him, trusting her boyfriend to show her something to cheer her up. His hand left her for a moment only.

She watched as he pulled up a file on his computer, moving so she could look at the screen. "Oh my- is this my file?" (Y/N) asked, her face still swollen from crying, now filled with hope.

Alec nodded, smiling at her, "I backed up all the files we were working on last week onto my computer." He explained to her, slipping his hand around her back.

"Thank you!" She cried, throwing herself into his arms. Leave it to Alec, her knight in shinning armor, to save the day.

He wrapped his arms around her back as well, pulling her into the air instead of lowering to her height, "I've always got your back." Alec whispered into her ear, his breath tickling the hair around her ear.

Word Count: 1347

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