alec lightwood : in the morning part two

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(Y/N) awoke with a groan, pressing her face into the pillow next to her and cleaning the covering. When she took in a deep breath she was hit with the smell of fresh linen, mint and Sandle wood. With that her eyes snapped open in a panic recognized the smell immediately.

She was shocked to see she was in Alec's room, laying his bed alone and in the outfit she had gone to Pandemonium in last night. The last thing she remembered was slamming a shot glass on the counter and the base of some song pulsing through her.

Her eyes snapped to the couch, where Alec laid with half of his body falling of the couch. She narrowed her eyes slightly, then smiled as she realized what must have happened.

Magnus must have called Alec, seeing as far as Magnus knew she and Alec were still together and he was the Head of the Institute, to come and get her. Then Alec brought her back here, and taken the couch instead of the bed with her.

She rolled from his bed, hating the fact that she was still dressed in the skin tight outfit and wondered how she had managed to sleep in this outfit. (Y/N) caught sight of a set of clothes next to her, laying her hand on them she smiled. Would it be too weird for her to change into his clothes, she decided so and stayed dressed in her jeans and top.

Next to her was a filled glass of water, which she downed completely in just seconds. She then figured that she should leave, but when would she thank Alec for coming to get her? Would it just be best for them to ignore last night? No, he deserved recognition for once again coming to her rescue.

Alec heard fussing, which woke him from a light sleep. His eyes opened and he pulled himself back onto the couch, before stretching and sitting up. He looked over, to see (Y/N) awake and sitting in his bed.

"Hi." (Y/N) muttered quietly when Alec's eyes met hers.

Alec smiled, feeling slightly awkward at this interaction. "How do you feel?" He asked her, running a hand through his hair.

He had to be mad, how could he not be? Because of her he had to go across town, to retrieve her while she was passed out, and then had to bring her back. Then he had given up his bed for the night, of course he was mad.

But he didn't sound mad, he sound genuinely concerned.

"My head hurts, but that's expected." She chucked, hoping to relieve some of the tension in the room. (Y/N) felt heavily relieved when he laughed too.

Silence then feel between them as they both stopped laughing. Truth was they both had a million things to say, but neither one was speaking.

(Y/N) let out a ragged breath, "I'm sorry." She said, lifting her eyes go meet his now. (Y/N) had a million things to apologize for - their fight, not coming to him to fix things, ignoring him for weeks, last night - but she couldn't only bare to talk of one. "I was really irresponsible last night and you shouldn't have had to take care of me, that's not your responsibility anymore." She admitted.

Alec rose from his seat on the couch, running hands down his pants to straighten them out. He could feel pain rising his his chest as she finished speaking, because to him she could always be his responsibility. After years side by side, there was no way he wouldn't willingly come running to her aid.

"It's no problem." Alec shook his head, attempting to shake away her apology. He noticed she was still in her clothes, so he rounded the bed and grabbed the clothes he had set aside, it must have been so too weird for her.

(Y/N) sighed, her eyes following Alec, "No Alec it is a problem." She admitted, not sure if she was really talking about him anymore. Behind her eyes tears whelmed, thinking about how her life had fallen apart completely in the past month. She was no longer herself, she was a shell of the person she was used to be. "It is a problem because you shouldn't have been put into that position." (Y/N) still felt like she was apologizing to him, which she needed to be for putting herself into a situation that put him into such a situation. "I never meant to inconvenience you Alec." Her voice broke.

Alec had turned so his back was to her, but quickly turned to face her as she spoke. "Inconvenience?" He hissed, voice rising with passion.

(Y/N) flinched as Alec yelled, even more so as he crossed to room to stand in front of her. His chest rose and fell in front of her, so close she could almost hear his heart pounding in his chest. This was the closest that they had been to each other in weeks, so close that they could feel each other's heat.

"Listen to me." Alec pleaded, his voice much calmer than it was before. "You are not, and never will be, an inconvenience to me." He vowed, his body tense as he looked down at her. No matter if they weren't together, or how much they fought, Alec needed her to know that he cared about her. "Please understand that." Alec whispered, restraining himself from reaching out a pulling her to him.

Tears now rolled down her face, hearing Alec say those things made her weak in her knees and breathless. There was a tightness in her chest that she couldn't deny, after everything that they had been through - missions, being friends, falling in love, breaking up - he still cared about her. There was nothing sweeter than this moment.

"Alec." She replied in a broken tone, reaching her hands up and wiping away the tears that fell down her face. "Thank you." Was all (Y/N) could come up with, realizing that nothing else she would say mattered.

He smiled, and again his best judgment placed a hand on the side of her face. (Y/N)'s skin felt just like he remembered, soft like a porcelain doll but with small scares running across her jaw from multiple missions. Alec sighed, the feeling was familiar and made his heart warm.

"You never have to thank me for taking care of you." Alec muttered, "No matter what I care about you."

Her heart skipped a beat, and without thinking and letting her emotions get the best of her, (Y/N) jumped into Alec's arms. She quickly placed her lips into his, hoping he wouldn't push her away.

Alec was stunned, but only for a second before securing his arms around her waist and deepening the kiss. Her lips still tasted of alcohol from the night before, but since this was the first time he had kissed her in a month Alec didn't care.

Desperation poured into the kiss, from each of them and into the other. Hands roamed from body to body, while their lips moved together swiftly. It was like they were trying to make up for the time they had lost making out all at once.

(Y/N) felt surprisingly less lightheaded than she expected, but maybe it was because she was drowning in Alec's lips. She could feel his hands sliding up and down her sides, squeezing her hips every few seconds.

She pulled back before him, panting, before placing her forehead against his. "I'm sorry, I didn't mean to-"

"Don't apologize." Alec clenched his eyes tight, "don't ever apologize to me for doing that." He begged her, his hands still locked on her hips. Alec then slipped his head from hers to hide from her by placing his face in the crook of her neck.

(Y/N) lost her fingers in his hair, letting out a soft shaky breath. "I miss you." She confessed, cleaning the back of his neck so he couldn't slip away from her. (Y/N) spoke in present tense, just because they had kissed didn't mean he was hers again.

Alec didn't lift his head, but placed a soft lipped kiss on tie base of (Y/N) throat. "I'm right here." He promised, "I'm right here." Alec continued to repeat himself time and time again, kissing her between proclamation.

Word Count: 1416

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