Chapter 5: the life changing call

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so this is the next chapter :) hope you enjoy it and leave a comment if ya want

Georgia POV

The whole time Jess and I kept in contact with the boys, especially Louis and Harry. Four days before they left Adelaide I got a call from Liam so I answered. Unfortunately the call was on a Tuesday in the middle of class. I lied and told my teacher it was my mum and that Jess had to come as well so we quickly ducked out to take the call.

“Hey Liam,” I answered, “can we make this quick? I’m in the middle of English. Oh and Jess is here with me”

“Yeah, yeah of course, hi Jess,” he replied brightly, “ok so here’s the thing, we are all missing how close we became with you guys, especially Louis and Harry. So we asked management, well begged really, weather you could come with us on the rest of the tour and to our surprise they said yes, only because Paul said you have a positive impact on us though. Anyway I’m getting off subject, do you think you could get out of school for three to four weeks and come on tour with us?”

“I would love to!” I replied, “and school holidays start on Friday and everything…but I don’t think my parents have the money to send me with you…”

“Eeeh! Yes yes yes but georgia’s right I don’t think my parents have the money for it though,” jess replied starting off excited and then becoming serious.

“Don’t worry about that we are paying for you both!” Liam said brightly.

“Oh my gosh you guys!! Uh Paul has my mum’s number get him to call her in about two minutes ok and get him to ask her.”

“Uhh Paul doesn’t have my mum’s number but I will call her and asked her. Is it ok if I give her Paul’s number?” Jess asked sounding excited again.

“Yeah, yeah that’s fine Jess and I’ll get Paul to call your mum ok Georgia,” he answered, “oh and it’s a surprise for Louis and Haz so don’t tell them ok?”

“Ok got it,” I said with the goofiest grin on my face.

“Yep, surprise here we come,” Jess yelped excited to see Louis again, I could tell she was finally over her ex, Gareth, who she loved.

We said good bye and hung up. Jess and I looked at each other and began dancing, squeeling and jumping around the corridor. We went back into class buzzing with excitement that was barely containable. Everyone seemed to notice and asked us what was up. My phone rang again this time it was actually really my mum so I ducked out of class again and answered.

“Hey mummy!” I answered brightly.

“Hey George,” she replied happily, “so how badly do you want to go on tour with the boys?”

“Badly enough that my room will be spotless, I will reload and unload the dishwasher and do all the school washing for the rest of my life!!” I yelped.

“Well then I will ask your dad but it’s a yes from me,”

“Oh mum thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you!!” I yelled so loudly my teacher came and asked me what had happened. I said good bye to my mum and told my teacher that I was going to Perth in the holidays, which wasn’t a lie I just didn’t tell him who I was going with. He told me to get back into class.

I walked back into class and whispered to jess, “my mum said yes, do you think your mum will say yes?”

“I dunno but I will BEG her,” Jess whispered back.

I finished school that day and I began the great cleaning of my room. For the next two days I was perfect, I did nothing wrong, I didn’t fight with my brother or sister, I did as I was told when I was told, I did my homework and I kept quiet. As I was doing all those things I was bouncing off the walls inside I was that excited; I also made sure that I had my bag packed.

Jess’s POV

It was amazing, Liam Payne, of One Direction asked me to go on tour with him. Plus I got my best friend there. All I had to do was beg my parents to let me go. They were always so strict! It wasn’t cool at all.

“Hey mum?” I asked her, sitting at the table while she was cooking dinner.

“Yes, Jess what’s up?” she replied, paying more attention to the food than me.

“WellOneDirectionwantsmetogoontourwiththemandireallywanttogosopleasepleasepleaseletmego!” I yelped all in one breath hoping she had caught it all, she obviously hadn’t because she was giving me a really funny look.

I sighed, “One Direction wants me to go one tour with them and I really want to go so please, please, please let me go!”

“Well, I guess so,” my mum replied, my jaw dropped, “you are becoming more mature and I’m guessing Georgia is going as well?”

I nodded my head, to stunned to speak.

“Well then you better go get packing,” she said with a smile, “and I already knew Jess, Paul called me and told me everything so don’t worry ok?”

“Oh mum I love you so, so, so, so, so much!!” I yelled jumping up from my chair and hugging her.

She simply laughed and shooed me of to my room so I could start packing but instead I called Georgia.

“Hey babe,” she answered, her usual greeting, “what’s going on?”

“MY MUM SAID I CAN GO!! OH MY GOSH I’M SO EXCITED!!” I screamed into my phone.

She cracked up laughing for about two minutes while I bounced around my room.

“Good to know, oh and I gotta go, tea’s up,” she said, “see ya tomorrow babe.”

“Yep bub bye Georgie,” I replied grinning like an idiot.

‘I finally get to see my Louis again,’ I thought to myself whilst I was packing.

Georgia’s POV

Liam called me again the day before we were flying out. He said that the flight had changed so that they would have to pick us up from school. Thankfully my mum was going to be home that day so we left Jess’s and my suitcases home so that they could go to my house first and pick up our stuff. They then came to school.

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