Chapter 14: Giggles to frowns

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soo new chapter guys :3 btw im sorry that i fail at spelling and stuff i dont really read it after i write it!! aha so enjoy

Harry’s POV

I woke up a few hours later to giggling, this sounded good. I opened my eyes and saw Georgia watching me.

“HAZZA BEAR!!” she squealed tackling me.

“Hey babe,” I said smiling up at her.

“Can I have some cookies and cream ice-cream, please baby?” she begged me, giving me puppy dog eyes.

This was good, I remember Jess telling me earlier once she asked for cookies and cream ice cream she was feeling a lot better. I grinned at her nodding.

She gave me a quick kiss and ran out, “Come on Haz bear!”

I laughed at her excitement and slowly wondered out. I walked into the lounge to see Georgia sitting across from Louis and Jess, watching them as they slept. Jess was sitting on Louis lap with her head on his chest and he had his arms wrapped around her with his head resting on top of hers. I walked over to Georgia and took her hand.

“Come one you wanted ice-cream remember,” I whispered to her, hoping not to wake the other two.

“Oh yeah,” she whispered back giggling. She was extremely cute when she was like this, all bubbly and hyper.

She skipped into the kitchen and sat at the table, swinging her legs on the seat watching me expectantly. I chuckled and took the tub out of the freezer; I grabbed two spoons and took it to her.

“Here you are babe, may I join?” I asked her. She nodded at me giggling and opening the ice-cream.

We sat in silence just eating. Soon after Jess and Louis came wondering in and saw us eating the ice cream. Jess grinned knowing that she was feeling better.

“So what movie are we going to watch Georgie?” Jess questioned coming up and hugging her from behind.

“THE AVENGER!!” she squealed getting extremely excited.

We all laughed at her, she was acting like a five year old. She was so amazing and strange it was different from other girls, I thought that this could change everything.

All the others came in realising we were going to watch a movie and Georgia apologized to the boys for screaming at them and said thanks to everyone for looking after her. We sat and watched two different movies before everyone got bored. We all decided to have a sleepover in Niall’s room.

Georgia’s POV

We were all dragging mattresses, pillows and quilts into Niall’s room when my phone started to ring. I frowned not knowing who would be calling me. I quickly ducked back into my room to answer it.

“Hello?” I asked. The number was blocked so I was a bit confused.

“Hey babe,” a very drunk voice said.

“Err… who is this?” I was getting a bit scared now.

“Well it’s Josh, who else would call you?” he sneered at me.

“Oh… well what do you want? And how the hell did you get my number?” I questioned him. This was the kid I first told I loved and he basically told me to piss off, since then I simply stopped believing in love.

“I want you and me to get together,” he grumbled at me. I couldn’t help it I laughed at him, he broke my heart and he just expected me to want him? No way.

“Josh no, you’re a dickhead, simple as that,” I replied to him shrugging.

“Yeah well you and your friend are just some dumb whores that that stupid boy band pay you for is sex, they don’t like you, they are just using you,” he growled at me. I couldn’t help but tear up a bit; this couldn’t be true, could it?

“And you wouldn’t use me? Yeah right Josh, just leave me alone,” I sighed at him, wiping away the tears that had slipped out.

I didn’t want to listen to his crap anymore so I hung up. I gathered whatever else I had to get and walked into Niall’s room and dumped all the stuff on the floor. I walked over to Harry and sat next to him leaning on his shoulder. Jess and Louis were full on making out on the couch.

“Oi! You two! No sexy time with us all here thanks,” I yelled to them. They completely ignored me.

“Anyone got some water?” I asked and Liam handed me his glass of water.

I got up and walked over to them casually, faking about to have a drink but I just dumped in top of them. Niall completely lost it and was on the floor laughing. Liam was trying not to and Jess and Louis were looking at me in shock.

“What did you do that for?” Louis asked me, laughing a little.

“So I could say I made your girlfriend wet,” I said winking at Jess. Her jaw dropped and Louis started laughing. I giggled and went and sat down next to Harry again. I checked my phone for the time and noticed a text: Ur a dumb bitch was all it said. I tried not to show any emotion on my face but could feel a small tear escape. I sniffled quietly and whipped it away. I looked up to see everyone else doing their own thing and Harry was watching me.

‘Please have not read the message, please have not read the message, please have not read the message, please have not read the message, please have not read the message, please have not read the message,’ I chanted in my head.

“Who was that message from Georgia?” he said frowning slightly at me.

‘Shit,’ I thought to myself, “Urr I don’t know,” I whispered quietly, it was obviously Josh but Harry didn’t need to know that.

“I think the fans got hold of your number,” he said frowning, “I’ll get you a new one tomorrow babe.”

“No you don’t have to,” I said grinning up at him, “I think it’s funny remember? And you know what I love? How you call people who hate on us ‘fans’ and the ones that don’t ‘directioners’ it’s really sweet.”

“I’m a sweet guy remember?” he said grinning and giving me a peck on the lips.

“Mmm you taste sweet too,” I said grinning at him. He chuckled and hugged me close. I couldn’t get that stupid message out of my head. Why did people have to go and ruin my good moods?

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