Chapter 6: "they picked them up? From school!?"

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so this is the next chapter :) i would just like to thank anyone who has ever read this cos well you mak this story worth writing. please send me comments i want to know what you guys think and who knows you may just ened up in the story... ;) no but seriously i would love to hear comments.

hope you enjoy this chapter :) not one of my bests :/

Georgia’s POV

I got my mum to give the boys a map I had hand drawn so they knew to meet me and Jess near our lockers. It was funny when I came up to my locker to find One Direction leaning against the banister rail in front of my locker. Jess and I squealed and ran to hug them; they heard us squeal and turned to us. We all hugged and said hi. It was amazing to see all of them again. We quickly saw Emma as she came to say good bye to Jess and I, I saw her jaw drop at the site of Niall. I quickly whispered into Niall’s ear that she loved him and told him my plan. He nodded knowing it was great.

I pointed her out and he went over to go along with my amazing plan. He walked up to her, hugged her and then whispered something along the lines of “ you’re amazing, I know all about you, I think we should meet up next time I’m here,” and then kissed her cheek and came back over to me.

I was setting my besties up, Emma was an amazingly bright person and I just thought that her and Niall would be cute as anything together.

 “Match made in heaven,” I whispered to Liam, who nodded in agreement.

I hugged Niall, “thanks Nialler, that was great she is an amazing girl and every girl needs an amazing guy.”

“Thanks Georgia,” Niall replied blushing, “she is pretty gorgeous though!”

Jess and I started giggling at the cuteness, “Arg the cuteness!!”

He picked me up off the floor and I squealed and he then yelled, “Get over it!”

“Guys, not to interrupt your party here or anything but we gotta get to the airport,” Liam said.

“ALWAYS THE SENSIBLE ONE!!” we all yelled and cracked up laughing.

We walked down to the limo that was waiting for us to take us to Perth. I didn’t realise it until then that it was the last place they were stopping at in Australia.

I stopped, “hey guys? Isn’t Perth your last performance here?”

“Oh so it is!” Zayn said smiling evilly.

“It did take you long enough to realise,” Liam said smiling.

“So why are we staying with you for three to four weeks when you will only be in Perth for three to four days?” Jess questioned them suspiciously.

“Well it was going to be a surprise but you guys are too smart for us,” Zayn said.

“We’re taking you back to London with us,” Niall continued.

“Oh yeah and don’t worry your mum’s know and fixed up your guys suitcases with warmer clothes,” Liam finished.

“Always the sensible one,” I muttered and cracked a smile, “thanks guys.”

“Yeah thanks guys,” Jess beamed at them, “This is so amazayn!!”

“Jess? Did you just say amazayn?” I looked at her funny. She blushed and nodded her head shyly.

I laughed and hugged all of them and got in the limo. It took me until then to realise also that Harry and Louis wasn’t there either.

“Wait! Where’s Haz and Boo Bear?” I yelped.

“They’re with Paul, remember it’s a surprise that you guys are coming,” Liam answered calmly

I smacked my forehead with my palm, “oh yeah.”

We laughed and went off to the airport.

Jess’s  POV

They were picking us up from school it was so amazayn I was excited. The boys were all waiting for us by mine and Georgia’s locker. I saw them and squeeled. I could hear Georgia doing the same. We ran up to them and hugged them. They all said hello and smiled at us. I missed them so much!!

Emma came through the door and her jaw dropped it was soo funny. She was stunned into silence. I knew that she had always had a bit of a crush on Nialler. I saw Georgia whispering something into his ear. He nodded grinning and I saw Georgia pointing at Emma. She always was a bit of a trickster.

Niall walked up to Emma, wrapped his arms around her and whispered something in her ear. She looked as though she was going to pass out but she managed a weak smile and a nod. I was laughing at her reaction and Zayn gave me a funny look.

“Over there is my best friend,” I said pointing Emma who still looked quite shell shocked, I caught her attention and waved, she beamed at me and waved back, “Georgia planned something between her and Niall and her reaction was hilarious.”

He nodded, “I would have loved to see that.”

“Hmm yeah she is a bit odd, but I guess that’s why we’re all friends.” I replied cheerfully.

Suddenly Georgia was screaming in Niall’s arms as he lifted her up and spun her around. I laughed at them, and thought to myself, ‘they would be cute together but Georgia is obviously into Harry.’

“Guys, not to interrupt your party here or anything but we gotta get to the airport,” Liam said.

“ALWAYS THE SENSIBLE ONE!!” we all yelled and cracked up laughing.

We made our way downstairs towards the limo when Georgia stopped out of nowhere.

“Hey guys? Isn’t Perth your last performance here?” she asked.

“Oh so it is!” Zayn said smiling evilly.

“It did take you long enough to realise,” Liam said smiling.

“So why are we staying with you for three to four weeks when you will only be in Perth for three to four days?” I asked curious to see their reasoning behind not telling us, I should have caught onto it earlier I did know all the concert dates.

“Well it was going to be a surprise but you guys are too smart for us,” Zayn said.

“We’re taking you back to London with us,” Niall continued.

“Oh yeah and don’t worry your mums know and fixed up your guys suitcases with warmer clothes,” Liam finished.

“Always the sensible one,” Georgia muttered and cracked a smile, “thanks guys.”

“Yeah thanks guys,” I said beaming at them, knowing the was going to be fun, “This is so amazayn!!”

“Jess? Did you just say amazayn?”  Georgia asked giving me a weird look. I blushed and nodded at her shyly.

She laughed and we hugged all of them and got in the limo. I was just looking out the window and thinking about how cool everything was going to be.

“Wait! Where’s Haz and Boo Bear?” Georgia yelped, grief written all over her face.

“They’re with Paul, remember it’s a surprise that you guys are coming,” Liam answered calmly

She smacked her forehead with her palm, “oh yeah.”

We laughed at her and went off to the airport.

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