Chapter 13: mood swing aren't fun

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two chapters in one day!! woo hoo i'm proud, so here it is guys

Georgia’s POV

The next morning I woke to an empty bed. It would have been nice to wake up to Harry but what could I do? I dragged myself out of bed and stumbled into the lounge to find everyone already in there. I was in a bad mood and I could tell it wasn’t going to be a pretty day. Jess looked up and noticed the look on my face.

“Uh oh,” she gasped, “Come on Georgie let’s go back to bed and I’ll get you some ice-cream.”

I nodded weakly, randomly tearing up, for no reason at all. I was right today won’t be pretty. The boys gave me confused looks as Jess ushered me back into my room.

“You gonna be ok for 5 minutes?” she asked me nervously. She knows when I’m like this my mood jump randomly and it can be pretty bad. I just nodded and she ran out to get me my ice-cream. I lie back on my bed and shut my eyes to the world.

Jess’s POV

I knew as soon as Georgia came into the room that it was one of those days. You see Georgia has a couple days every month where she just becomes rally moody and angry and so on. It has nothing to do with her period or anything it just happens and when it does it’s not a sight to see. Last time she got really angry and went on a bit of a rampage and hurt everything in her way. Time before that she was quiet and sad. It’s really weird how it happens but it does and I know the cures: ice-cream, chocolate, movies and sleep.

I hurried Georgia into her room and went to get her some ice-cream. I always make sure we have some for times like this.

“Niall there better be ice-cream in the freezer,” I said scolding him.

“Uh there should be,” he replied frowning, “Why?”

“Georgia is in a mood and I think this may be the worst one I have ever seen,” I replied, running into the kitchen and pulling out a tub. When Georgia was in a mood she liked two flavors’ only, vanilla ice-cream with caramel sauce and shortbread biscuits and then just plain old cookies and cream. The cookies and cream came later on but now I had to get her the vanilla one.

“Jess, what’s going on?” Harry asked concerned. All the boys, except Zayn who was still sleeping, filled into the kitchen with concerned looks.

I sighed as I began scooping the ice-cream into a bowl, “Georgia is in a mood and the moods are never a good thing. Basically she becomes an emotional wreck that can’t do anything for herself so we all become slaves.”

I began looking through the cupboards for the shortbread biscuits. I opened every cupboard and draw and couldn’t find any, “Guys, where is the shortbread?”

I was extremely scared.

Niall slowly raised his hand, “I ate them the other day,” he grinned sheepishly looking just as scared as I was.

“Oh crap, today is the day we die if we don’t get those shortbread biscuits,” I said.

Harry ran and grabbed his key card for the room, his phone and wallet, “There is a little shop a block away, any particular sort of shortbread?”

Harry is a savior, “no just get whatever is there.”

He nodded and ran out of the room to get the shortbread, “I’ll go check on her,” Liam offered.

I smiled at him slightly, “Thanks, just be quiet and if she starts throwing stuff cone and get me.”

He nodded and wondered off, I thought for a minute before turning to Niall, “Nialler is there any chocolate left?”

He shook his head looking scared, I sighed, “Go text Haz and tell him to get some then.”

He nodded and I walked in to the lounge and flopped on the couch. Louis sat next to me and cuddled me to his side.

“She’s asleep,” Liam said as he walked back into lounge room.

I sighed in relieve, “Thank goodness!”

“Lucky we got the day off isn’t it,” Louis said bumping my shoulder.

“Yep now who’s getting Zayn up?” I questioned, “Because I will if you want me too.”

“Yeah go for it Jess,” Liam said nodding and putting on a DVD.

I went into Liam and Zayn’s shared room and straight through to Zayn’s room. I walked into his room, straight to his bed.

I shook him until he was conscious enough to grunt at me to piss off, “Zayn, Perrie’s on the phone, she wants to marry you, what do you say?”

“Too tired,” he grumbled before rolling over and dozing off again.

“ZAYN MALIK, ENOUGH IS ENOUGH GET YOUR BUTT OUT OF THIS BED RIGHT THIS SECOND!” I yelled into his face, using my drill voice and scaring the crap out of him so much so that he fell out of bed.

“Good your up,” I said grinning at him, “Get dressed, we’re all in Harry and Georgia’s room looking after Georgia because she is in a mood.”

He nodded quickly getting up slightly so I just walked out of his room. I bumped into Harry in the corridor. He was gasping for breath.

“I… got chocolate…and shortbread…and some sweets…just in case,” he said bending over trying to catch his breath.

“Haz did you run there?” I asked frowning.

“Yeah…wait what are you doing out here then?” he questioned me.

“She fell asleep so it’s o-,” I started to say.

“AAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH, GO AWAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAY,” I could tell it was Georgia screaming. Harry and I looked at each other and ran to his room to find Georgia standing in the doorway of her room and Louis, Liam and Niall trembling in their seats. I ran to Georgia’s side.

“Come on babe, let’s go have some ice-cream and chocolate and look Harry’s here too bub,” I said calmly to her. She nodded and ran to Harry breaking down in tears in his arms. He looked stressed.

“what do I do?” he mouthed to me.

I slowly walked to Georgia, “Come one we have got to let go of Harry if we want ice-cream.”

She slowly let him go and walked into the kitchen. She sat in a chair and rested her head on her hands and waited for me to make her ice-cream.

I put a mountain of ice-cream in front of her and she began eating it quietly humming to herself. Harry was sitting next to her and holding her hand or stroking her hair or something. I thought she would be ok for a few minutes so I went and talked to the boys in the lounge. By now Zayn finally joined us and was eating a bowl of cereal. I sighed dropping onto Louis’ lap.

“Tough day baby?” he whispered into my ear. I nodded cuddling into his lap and shutting my eyes before dosing off.

Harry’s POV

Georgia had finally finished her ice-cream and was just watching me, she seemed peaceful. Suddenly her eyes filled with tears and a few escaped. I quickly wiped them away.

“Baby, what’s wrong?” I asked her kneeling by her side.

“I just realised something that breaks everything I have ever said in my entire life,” she whispered to my choking on her words slightly.

“Hmm and what’s that?” I asked her, curious to know what it was.

“I can’t tell, at least not yet,” she whispered falling into my arms crying. I sighed and picked her up bridal style. I took her into my room, and placed her on my bed.

I turned to leave her alone but she caught my sleeve, “Stay with me, please.”

She begged me with more tears falling. I nodded and jumped in with her. She cuddled into my chest letting her tears fall. I hugged her close and ran my fingers through her hair, calming her and she soon went back to sleep.

I couldn’t get my mind off what she had said about realising something. I just couldn’t stop thinking about, but I soon fell into a restless sleep, holding Georgia close to my heart, right where she belonged.

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