••Je te veux••

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(I want you)

(I want you)

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"I can't believe how fast time flies" y/n smiled and leaned against the railing, gazing out over the city. "So what are you going to do now?" Todoroki asked and looked down at the people walking down below on the busy streets. "Hmmm, probably get a job... maybe get a boyfriend?" She joked and leaned back slightly. Her joke caught the bi-color haired male's attention, making him look over at her, "A boyfriend?" he asked in a curious tone.

She laughed and glanced over at him, "Well yeah, I mean my mother has been nagging at me, besides... I want to get married one day and have kids ya know?" She blushed, feeling slightly embarrassed. Todoroki just watched her, amused at the thought of her being a mother one day. "I didn't know you wanted kids" he commented. She snickered and look back down towards the city, "You never asked." There was a short pause before he spoke up once more, "How many?" She hummed and then gave him her answer, "Maybe two, or three?" He smiled hearing her response sound more like a question than an actual answer.

She looked over at him and tilted her head, "How about you? You planning on having mini Shos one day?" He stared back at her for a second, thinking about it. He shifted to face the city once more before letting out a low"... I would prefer a girl over a mini-me."

Her eyebrows rose in amusement as she stared at him, a smile tugging at her lips as she teased, "How cute. Sho and his little princess." He said nothing and merely glanced at her from the corner of his eye. Another short period of silence passed before a quiet "Shoto" caught his attention.

He turned to face her and noticed her expression had changed, "Promise me that no matter what, things won't change between us." He nodded but gave her a confused look, "Did something happen?" She glanced up at him before quickly avoiding his gaze. "...I got an offer to go work overseas for a company in the States, they're kind of a big deal."

Todoroki stared at her, his mind began asking a million questions as her words repeated in his mind. 'You're supposed to be the one who stays.' He offered her a smile, attempting to mask his disappointment. "That's an amazing offer but... are you going to take it?" He asked, a part of him was hoping she would say no and stay here with him.

The seconds of silence was driving him up a wall as he waited for her to answer. "Well, it is a great offer and it's not like anything is truly holding me here-" Todoroki abruptly turned to her, making her look up at him in confusion. "You can decide if you want to hate me after or not" he muttered, taking a step closer to her, catching her lips with his.

"Maybe that can be your reason to stay."


AN: I hope you're enjoying my book, please leave a comment or a vote if you enjoyed the chapter. A quick reminder that I also take requests, so feel free to message me with any wonderful ideas :)

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