••Belle âme••

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(A beautiful soul)

(A beautiful soul)

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It was finally time for the UA Sports Festival, and class 1A was filled with excited chatter after hearing Mr. Aizawa announce that the aspiring heroes would have the opportunity to participate. Everyone was eager to show what they were made of, and on top of that, it was also served as a good distraction from the previous attack on the school.

"Wow, everyone is so excited," y/n sighed and looked over to the bi-color haired male, with a small smile gracing her lips. Her smile faltered slightly seeing the all too familiar somber look in Todoroki's eyes. "Shoto, you're doing it again," she spoke quietly and rested her head on his shoulder, snapping him out of his thoughts; his heterochromatic eyes shifting down to her. Todoroki and Y/n had been best friends since the two of them could remember.  She had truly seen it all, the messy, the ugly, and the beautiful moments as well. She was the one person he trusted enough to let his guard down around.

He mumbled a soft, "Sorry," and allowed his right hand to find her own. Shoto was always dead set on proving to his father that he didn't need him so he never had time or any interest in making friends. She, on the other hand, was the exception; his admiration and affection for the girl only continued to grow the more she planted her feet firmly to the ground, refusing to ever leave his side.

Y/n supported him unconditionally and was his safety net for the moments in which he would snap, unable to continue suppressing the feeling he kept bottled up.  Todoroki would feel somewhat guilty, knowing that she willingly chose to share the burden, even when he never asked her to do so, even if she said she didn't mind. "Let's go," she spoke, an innocent smile playing on her lips as she glanced at him.

He watched with a blank face as she grasped his hand, escorting him out of the classroom. It wasn't out of the ordinary for Y/n to hold his hand since they've been friends for so long and would regularly display affectionate behavior towards the male: holding hands, hugging, and the occasional kiss to the cheek.

His eyes always seemed to find their way to her; lingering a bit longer then they should. Beautiful didn't seem enough to describe her. Despite his silence and blank stare, Todoroki's mind was quite loud, his eyes undeniably intrigued. The feeling of her hand around his, left him feeling a bit flustered, his left side heat up slightly without him even realizing it.

It took Todoroki a long time to realize that he was actually in love with her but once he did, he scolded himself for not noticing sooner. But above all else, he was afraid; he had never been in love with anyone before her and the mere thought of her not returning his feelings discouraged him from telling her the truth.

His eyes shifted to his feet, his heart distressed. He knew he had no actual claim over her and that some guy could come and take the place he wished was his.


(I'm replacing Ururaka with y/n for the fight against Bakugo)

Throughout the fight between Y/n and Bakugo, Todoroki couldn't help worry for her safety, knowing how violent the explosive blonde could be during a fight. Seeing her fist come in contact with the Bakugo's chin in an uppercut motion caused Todoroki to smirk slightly. "You little-" the blonde growled and ducked, dodging her next swing, quickly aiming his palm towards her.

'Shit, I can't move out of the way in time!' Todoroki instantly knew what was about to go down and felt his heart drop. The ground had been shattered by the explosion, forming a cloud of dust and debris. Todoroki felt his chest tightened as he waited for the dust to clear. 'Where is she?' His eyes scanned the arena frantically; his breath caught in his throat when he finally laid eyes on her.

"Woah, is she okay?"

"She's not moving..."

"He really didn't hold back at all."

"I don't think she's going to get back up..."

Todorki drones out the voices of his classmates and continues staring at her motionless form as Midnight walked over to her, removing some of what used to be the floor off of her. "Y/n is KO'd! Bakugo is the winner!" She announces. The second the recovery team carried her away, Todoroki rushed to the infirmary.

His knees felt weak as he saw all the cuts and bruises that covered her skin. Recovery Girl looked up at him as she finished looking over her wounds, "She didn't sustain any serious injuries so we'll just have to wait for her to wake up whenever she's ready," he nodded and thanked the old lady before sitting down beside her bed and holding her hand, 'I'm not letting go, not this time.'

Recovery Girl grinned before asking if he was her boyfriend. He sadly corrected the old lady, saying that they were just friends to which she smiled knowingly. "Life is short dear, you should tell her how you truly feel," he looked up at her as she gave him a knowing look. "I can't... I'd much rather have her in my life like this than tell her and risk losing what we have."

"Take this from an old lady, if you weren't the 'one', there would be someone else sitting there right now."


To say that Todoroki was pissed at Bakugo was an understatement, but his anger would also be what cost him the fight in the end. His anger had distracted him, and when it came time to use his fire he froze. He stood conflicted leaving Bakugou with the upper hand. He couldn't care less about winning, he just wanted to be with her right now.

As he awoke back to the infirmary he froze, seeing her smiling at him and softly saying a "Good job out there." His heart felt lighter upon seeing her. "I know you didn't win but you were still awesome." His thoughts were in disarray as he gaped at her.

At that moment, he stopped thinking, allowing his body to just move.  A confused "Shoto?" was all she could get out before his lips joined hers. His heart was racing and his mind finally went mute for once. It was short and fleeting, but a sweet kiss none the less.

His right side was acting up as she gazed up at him for a second or two in silence. "What does this mean for us?" He hadn't thought about that, he had just kissed her and had no explanation to give in return. "I thought you only saw me as your best friend." her voice was quiet and confused. He stared at her for a bit before finding his words. "You've always been more than that."


AN: I hope you're enjoying my book, please leave a comment or a vote if you enjoyed the chapter. A quick reminder that I also take requests, so feel free to message me with any wonderful ideas :)

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