•• Ce que nous avons 1 ••

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( What we have part 1 )
( Tomboy reader )

( What we have part 1 )( Tomboy reader )

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Falling in love with your best friend is possibly the worst scenario to find yourself in, but falling in love with your best friend and not knowing until you're in way to deep is way worse.

Being best friends with Todoroki was truly the best. You two had become unbelievably close and you couldn't be happier right? It wasn't until the girls began talking about how much more social Todoroki has become, after deciding to embrace his other quirk instead of rejecting it do to his father, that you began to feel a bit... odd.

Many girls thought you two were an item due to your close friendship but that was far from the case. Your concern began to rise on how Todoroki truly saw you. Did he even see you as a girl? You were a tomboy so it wouldn't be much of a shock if he saw you just as one of the guys, but even so it hurt more than it should.

When you saw the cute girls that were crushing on your best friend, it made you feel worse. Does Todoroki like cute girls like them? The thought of being cute and girly invaded your mind but in the end you shook it off because it just wasn't you.

The constant feeling insecurity and thoughts of seeing your best friend and crush with some other girl made you feel ill. "Why does it have to hurt this much?" You sighed, setting your head down on the desk. "Why does what have to hurt so much?"

You looked up at the brunette standing in front of you. Ochaco Uraraka... 'that's it.'


"So...basically, you're in love with Todoroki" she said. "No! I what!" The brunette watched as your mind spun in circles, trying to process your feelings for the boy. "It's ok, calm down ok... it's just from what you've said, it sounds to me like you're in love with him."

'In...love...with Shoto' the thought made your stomach drop. "No, I can't. There's no way he'd even see me the same way" you tried to deny it in a desperate attempt to calm your mind. "Y/n... it happens more often then you'd think. Besides is it that hard to believe he could actually feel the same about you? You're have an amazing personality and you're prettier then you think." Ururaka smiled, placing a hand on your shoulder. 


Months passed and you had managed to hide your feelings for Todoroki and carry on as you always did, terrified of what would happen if he knew. It was painful but you had convinced yourself that this was better than not having him in your life at all.

Uraraka was the only person you confided in with your secret. She always listened, offering you advice and comfort. You two grew close and it felt nice to have someone to talk to about your current predicament. "I'm so tired, I just want to blurt out in his face that I love him." She looked at you with a sympathetic look and gave you a hug.

"Just a thought. But have you considered talking to him about it? It might not turn out as bad as you think." You stayed silent for a bit. "It would be so much easier but once he knows, things can't go back to how they were." She averted her eyes as you covered your face in the palms of your hands.


Time past and your fear still muted you from telling Todoroki how you truly felt. You all graduated and went on to become pros. No surprise you and Todoroki were close as ever but there was something different, something wedged between you two and you both could feel it, even though he couldn't place his finger on what exactly it was, you knew.

You were determined never to speak a word of your feelings but fate had another plan. As much as you wanted to keep your feelings a secret, fate made it so he'd find out anyway.


AN: I hope you're enjoying my book, please leave a comment or a vote if you enjoyed the chapter. A quick reminder that I also take requests, so feel free to message me with any wonderful ideas :)

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