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"I'm cold" You whined as you hugged the blanket closer to your body. Todoroki looked over at you before walking over to you, "the heaters broken." He sat down on the couch next to you purposely leaving his right side facing you, to which you immediately clung to.

Unfortunately for you Todoroki still had to go to work which meant your human furnace of a boyfriend had to leave temporarily, which left you with no choice but to burry yourself in blankets. After he left you quickly went to your room and began looking through Todoroki's clothes for a hoodie to steal *cough* I mean borrow!

You spotted a black hoodie in the drawer and quickly grabbed it. You threw it on and smiled feeling how warm it was. Right when you were closing the drawer you noticed a small black box in the corner of the drawer. Being the curious little thing you were, you reached for it.

Your heart jumped when you realized what you were holding in your hands. At first you felt a bit guilty for accidentally finding it but the excitement quickly won and you slid the ring on your finger. "It's so pretty..."

The joy of finding the ring was enough to allow you to remain happy for the rest of the day, despite nearly freezing to death. By the time 4 rolled around you were laying the couch hugging a pillow to your chest as you admired the pretty little gem on your finger.

You happily buried your face in the pillow as you kicked your legs excitedly. You barley heard the door closing which made you stop and sit up. You watched as Todoroki walked in and took off his shoes. "Welcome back."

Todoroki smiled and greeted you with a kiss on your forehead. "Is that mine?" he looked down at the hoodie that was definitely too big for you. You looked down and then back at him. "Mine now" He chuckled a little before walking off into the bedroom with you tailing right behind him.

"It's Friday" he said as he stepped into the bathroom to change out of work attire. "I know, I already ordered the pizza, it should get here soon. What movie?" You asked, kicking your legs up as you sat on the edge of the bed.

Since you two moved in together, you two would always watch a movie on Friday night with take out, almost always pizza. Todoroki walked out of the bathroom and was about to mention one when the door bell rang. "Ooo it's here" you excitedly went to go answer the door and Todoroki couldn't help but find it cute how excited you got over pizza every single time.

He walked over to the dresser and opened the drawer but paused when he notice a certain black box was missing. He quickly searched under the folded hoodies before realizing it was gone. 'What? Where?' he quickly began looking through the other drawers searching for the ring.

You happily closed the door with your pizza in hand before setting it down on the coffee table and walking to the room to get Todoroki. You stopped at the doorframe and watched as he turned the room upside down, in search for something.

"What's wrong?" You asked as you stood at the doorway of the room. He looked at you and paused "I lost something" he said and continued looking again. "What is it? I'll help you" you said as you watched him look around. He ignored your request and you stepped closer, curious as to what he was looking for.

"Shoto?" He paused and looked at you, thinking of a way to explain the ring without you finding out what it was. "It's a-a little black box...it's very important" you looked at him and quickly realized he was looking for the engagement ring. "Sho-" you started but he sighed "how could I loose it?"

You took a few steps towards him and called our his name again. "Sorry, it's just it was my moms and I really want to find it." He continued looking for it as you called his name again, and once again, but it was like he couldn't hear you.

You walked up to him and held up your hand "Shoto! I'm wearing it." He finally stopped his searching and looked at your hand. He took your hand in his as he continued looking at the ring and then looked back at you. "Sorry, I found it when getting one of your hoodies and well I got carried away." You admitted.

He smiled as he looked down at your hand again. "I probably should've hidden it better." His eyes met yours and just as he began to kneel down you blurted out an excited "yes!" making him laugh. "You haven't let me ask you properly yet."

Todoroki found it amusing how much you resembled an overexcited puppy as you waited so he could properly proposed to you. But once he got his words out you quickly gave your answer again, hugging him tightly as your eyes watered slightly with happy tears. "A million times yes."


AN: I hope you're enjoying my book, please leave a comment or a vote if you enjoyed the chapter. A quick reminder that I also take requests, so feel free to message me with any wonderful ideas :)

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