••Amour sans fin••

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(Endless Love)

(Endless Love)

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It has been 3 years since y/n became a pro-hero. Every morning she'd walk to the little coffee shop, that was just 5 minutes from her apartment, and take her usual seat by the window. It was a small shop but it was her favorite.

She took a small sip of her drink before glancing out the window. The days began growing colder and shorter as winter slowly crawled in. Today was particularly cloudy, making her enjoy the warm drink even more as she relaxed.

Every morning was the same, down to every detail. But today would prove to be different. She looked out at the people walking by on the sidewalk, when something caught her eye.

Or more like someone.

Her eyes immediately locked onto the male who walked down the street. As the said male approached her window, he glanced up, his eyes meeting hers.

Upon locking eyes with the male, Y/n straightened up in her seat. Her heart seemed to flutter and her face felt warmer. The male had stopped walking and the two stared at each other through the window.

Todoroki Shoto had been her first crush back when they attended UA, but they had lost touch after graduating; and yet here he was, standing right in front of her.

Every morning was the same, down to every detail, except today. Torodoki offered a kind smile at the girl through the window. Her eyes widened slightly as a blush spread across her cheeks. Even after all this time, he still had a place in her heart.

She smiled back and waved a little through the window. The boy stared at her for a few more seconds before he continued walking. Y/n relaxed momentarily until she saw him walk in through the door. Her heart racing once again as he took a seat in front of her.

"Hey, its been a while," His voice was deep yet soft, just like she remembered it. He was definitely taller, he had matured into quite the young man over these past few years. She gave a small laugh and looked down at her drink. "Yeah it has.. we're both pros now," she smiled at her drink before looking back up at him.

She took note of how his eyes seemed softer, happier even. It made her heart race once again. "I've heard quite a bit about you, you're kinda popular," he admitted. She smiled and rubbed the nape of her neck sheepishly. "Just doing my job, but I could say the same about you too though."

Since he walked in, he hadn't taken his eyes off of her and it only made her even more nervous. "You look different," y/n looked at him, struggling to find her words for a bit. "Yeah well, I changed quite a bit over these past few years."

Todoroki smiled and glanced out the window for a second or two before looking back at her. "It suits you," he said and gestured to her hair, "the new hairstyle." She blinked before making an 'o' shape with her mouth. "Thank you. You've changed quite a bit too... you seem happier, I'm glad."

His eyes widened slightly as he stared back at the girl across from him. Y/n was the girl who he had let slip away all those years ago and when he saw her again today, his forgotten feelings came rushing to the surface once more.

Every morning y/n followed the same routine for the past few years. Everyday she'd drink her morning coffee, by the same window, in the same seat. Everyday she'd have that one boy in the back of her mind, hidden deep within her heart.

Today was different, today, he walked back into her life and changed everything. After today, they walked into the shop every morning, ordered the same drinks and sat at the same seats, by the same window.

Maybe it was a coincidence he walked by that window that morning or maybe it was written in the stars, predestined to happen. Perhaps they were meant to find each other once more. And maybe... just maybe, life had had decided to give them a second chance.

A second chance to find what could've been all those years ago.


AN: I hope you're enjoying my book, please leave a comment or a vote if you enjoyed the chapter. A quick reminder that I also take requests, so feel free to message me with any wonderful ideas :)

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