••Hanahaki Disease••

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How can something so beautiful be so deadly. The pretty pink petals stained in blood, it's roots embedded deep within her lungs, feeding off her love for him. One surgery is all it would take for this to be cured, to forget how much he means to her.

"Okay. Now I need you to count backwards from 10" the surgeon gave her a soft, sympathetic look as he placed the mask on her nose and mouth, the gas making her drift off as she counted down, "..5, 4, 3..."

When she awakens the next day she would no longer love him, he'd just be another classmate at UA. When she awakens the next day, she will no longer have those pretty pink petals escaping past her lips. She would be as she was before she met him, before he stole her heart and in turn planted a slow eating atrocity that led her to this point, a one sided love, a love that never had a chance to blossom.

"Y/n, are you feeling better?" Uraraka asked, her voice quiet and gentle voice as she led her away from the rest, knowing she wanted to avoid the questions they were dying to ask. "Yeah, thank you Uraraka" the brunette gave a big grin and hugged her "anything for my bestie!"

The day went on as it usually did and the others luckily understood and decided to respect her privacy and not ask any questions about the matter. However, a pair of mismatched eyes followed her figure all day, curiosity hiding behind those heterochromatic irises.

Todoroki couldn't help but want to find out what it was that had changed. Y/n seemed different, she didn't glance his way anymore or offer him her small kind smiles, she didn't greet him in the mornings like she always would, she hardly even acknowledged he existed.

Seeing her sudden change in behavior seemed odd to him and he wanted to know what had happened; and so he decided he would speak to her after class since they always walked home together, at least they used to.

When the time came, he gazed at her in confusion as she walked out fo the classroom without sparing him a glance and quickly walked after her. "Y/n" she stopped and looked back at him and he froze, where is the warm smile she always gave him? Where was the light in her eyes? Where was his friend?

"Todoroki?" She asked and looked at him with and odd expression. She never called him by his last name, it was always Shoto this and Shoto that. "Ah, I just was wondering if we were still walking home together" he quickly regained his composure and walked up to her. "Oh yeah, sure we can walk together" she replied with a small smile but it wasn't the same.

The next day Todoroki went to the one person he could trust to find answers, Ochako Uraraka, Y/n's best friend. "Todoroki... she had hanahaki disease, she had the surgery" the boy stared at her in surprise, "she what?" Ochako only frowned and gave him a sad look. "She had to... it was so painful for her"

"She-she's been acting so different since then it's like she doesn't know me anymore..." at that moment he realized what had happened. His eyes met the brunettes "it was me wasn't it?.." his voice was barley above a whisper as he watched her face give him his answer.

It all made sense to him now, she no longer smiled nor sought him out because her love for him had disappeared, she no longer felt the need to see him and talk to him like they used to. She loved him and now she doesn't even remember it.

The weeks went by and Todoroki slowly made an effort to at least gain his friend back, even though she wasn't the same as before. He missed her, he could admit that but he also felt guilty for making her suffer. Every smile, every look they shared, he was reminded of the fact that she once loved him and he had been too blind to notice.

And then, one day, it happened. He walked into class and saw her sitting in her seat besides his and made his way over. "Morning Shoto" he froze, it had felt like and eternity since she had called him by his first name. He turned towards her and stared at her, eyes slightly wide.

There it was, that warm smile he had so longed to see, the light in her eyes that had vanished weeks ago. He slowly sat in his seat and continued stare at her. "You-" was all he could get out "me?" She asked and turned her body to face him as well.

"Nothing, good morning " he smiled and regained his composure. The weeks went by and she had seemed to be back to the old y/n and as happy as he was, part of him worried. The reason she was like this before was because she had fallen in love with him but what about now?

One day the two were walking home when she got a little cough. Todoroki managed to catch a glimpse of a pink petal as she made an attempt to discard it without him noticing. He quickly reached out and grabbed her wrist, taking the petal in between her fingertips and stared down at her.

"Were you just not going to tell me, again?" His eyes softened as he looked into her wide deer-like eyes that stared right back up at him. "Tell you what?" She scoffed a bit and averted her gaze. He continued watching her as he slowly took a step back, still holding her wrist.

"I know you had it, hanahaki... and now" he said and held up the petal. The two stared at each other for a few seconds before he spoke. "Y/n..." He closed his eyes slowly and furrowed his eyebrows, leaning forward and resting his head on her shoulder. "..is it back?" His voice was barely above a whisper.

"I didn't think it was even possible. They made me forget, but still I- how is it possible?... how did I fall in love with you again?" She sniffled as she began to cry. Todoroki silently hugged her, one hand, still holding onto her wrist.

"I'm sorry, that's all my fault.." she stared at him in confusion as he pulled back and looked down at her. "When I found out you had the surgery, I felt so guilty but more than that, I missed you. Not having you around felt strange and I couldn't help myself... I know it's selfish and I'm sorry but I want you to love me, I want you to glance my way, I want you to smile at me and only me, I want you to want me... so I kept trying to get you to fall back in love with me. So please don't forget... because I want you to love me back y/n"

AN: I hope you're enjoying my book, please leave a comment or a vote if you enjoyed the chapter. A quick reminder that I also take requests, so feel free to message me with any wonderful ideas :)

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