•• Dating Todoroki would consist of ••

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- Over Protective
   > You're very precious to our cute icy-hot and he only wants to keep you safe.
   > Will always keep you where he can get to you on time during missions so he can pull you out of harms way if need be.
   > When it comes to other guys approaching you in a way he doesn't like, he won't hesitate to put them in their place and show them your his.
   > "Sorry to disappoint but she's already with me."

- Quirk goes haywire when he feels embarrassed
   > Todoroki always has his blank face so it seems like he never reacts to any of your shenanigans
    > Unfortunately for him, you learned about the neat little thing his quirk does whenever you get him flustered.
   > " Sho... you're on fire"
   > His left side just has a mind of its own and heats up, and if you get him riled up enough you might get a few flames here and there. 

- Cuddles
   > ShoSho's second favorite way of showing his affection.
   > Todoroki loves to hold you in his arms and finds it pretty cute how small you seem whenever he holds you.
   > Always greets you with a hug and a quick kiss, as well as when saying goodbye.
   > When the two of your are just chilling, he likes to rest his head on your shoulder and hug you from behind.
   > If it's somewhere comfortable, like a couch or in bed, he might fall asleep on you.

- Loves to hold your hand
   > Todoroki loves to feel you next him when the two of you are out and about.
   > His hands always seem to end up finding yours. (not that anyone's complaining.
   > It's such a simple gesture but he really enjoys having you around and will pout slightly if you pull your hand away from his, even for a second.
   > He's into simple displays of affection and this just happens to be his favorite.

- Doesn't really have nicknames for you
   > Todoroki doesn't really use pet names and just calls you by your first name. (That doesn't mean you don't have any for him though!)
   > He thinks calling you by your name is more intimate than a silly pet name.

- Treasures you deeply
   > When Todoroki loves something, it's all or nothing.
   > He's very good at remembering important dates like your birthday or your anniversary and always makes sure to make that day special.
   > Likes to leave you little gifts as a surprise
   > Makes sure to tell you he loves you just Incase he feels he hasn't reminded you enough
   > Would do anything as long as it meant you are happy

- You're also his best friend
   > Your the person he turns to when he feels overwhelmed. (You're one of the few who has seen him cry.)
   > Confides all his secrets with you and trusts you to keep them.
   > He has a crazy amount of trust in you. (plz don't ever think of betraying him)
   > True soulmates

- Thinks your quirk is amazing and respects your strength
   > Very supportive boyfriend
   > Whenever he watches you train or during mock battles, he's your number one fan.
   > He genuinely thinks you're so cool
   > When on missions he tries not to be unfair and lets you fight because he knows you can handle yourself (He's still keeping you in his field of view tho.)

- Is head over heels for you
   > The other guys often tease him about how whipped he is for you whenever they catch him staring at you within that awe struck look (which actually happens quite often.)
   > "I'm going to marry that girl someday"
   > He really does love you.


AN: I hope you're enjoying my book, please leave a comment or a vote if you enjoyed the chapter. A quick reminder that I also take requests, so feel free to message me with any wonderful ideas :)

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