•• Mort Vivant ••

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(Living dead)
Apocalyptic One Shot

(Living dead)Apocalyptic One Shot

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"This way!" Todoroki quickly hopped over the fence as Y/n followed close behind. He stopped and turned, catching her as she let herself fall into his arms. He glanced behind her while setting her down. "That won't hold them for long..." he noted as they both glanced at the herd of walkers coming closer.

"Then we better move" she said, his eyes moved back to her and he nodded. They both hurried on back to the group, trying to avoid walking into anymore walkers; which was quite the challenge considering they were technically in the city, meaning there'd be walkers literally around every corner.

Todoroki quickly continued running, her trailing close behind. They could see the opening they had cut in the fence, just beyond this and they'd be out of the city.
So close, her heart began to pound with excitement, feeling the thrill that came after the horror of almost being killed my the herds of the infected. She subconsciously reached out for his hand, overwhelmed with a sudden urge to feel close to him.

However, just a second was all it took for things to go to shit. Her heart picked up pace as the walker stumbled out of a corner right as Todoroki passed by the alley. She gasped, quickly stepping back in a attempt to put space between her and the walker. Her ears picking up the sound of the herd behind them. She reached down to grab the knife that she kept strapped on her leg only to feel nothing, 'Oh fuck.'

How stupid, this was the world now and she would simply be another one of its victims. 'I should've known better than to let myself grow distracted' she scolded herself but couldn't help but want to see his mismatched eyes one last time. Just as she thought it was over a blade was shoved forcefully into the walker's head. She stared wide eyed at Todoroki as he huffed slightly, quickly pulling her to his chest before leading her towards the gate. "Stay close to me."

A fever grew beneath the skin of her cheeks as he quickly ushered her to the hole in the fence. Her heart was still racing as they stumbled through the opening of the gate and out of the city. Todoroki watched as her as she turned to face him, laughter filling his ears. His cheeks turning slightly pink at the rare sound. "That was crazy" she sighed, calming herself down.

They turned around and gazed at the walkers that lined the fence, biting at nothing as they stared and snarled at them. "Y/n" tearing her gaze from the infected she looked back at him. "Please stop getting distracted," he started, flicking her forehead. "You keep getting into trouble and scaring me." He finished and placed a quick kiss on her lips.

"Sorry" she smiled up at him, wrapping her arms around his waist in a lazy hug. Todoroki sighed and shook his head before grabbing her hand and beginning the walk back to camp, making sure to keep her close the whole way there.


Upon seeing Uraraka, y/n pulled her hand out of Todoroki's and tackling her best friend in a long hug. Todoroki simply watched as she ran up to the brunette, feeling a bit flustered when he realized he pulled her hand back a bit, in a lazy attempt to keep her at his side. 'This can't be good for my heart' he thought, placing a hand lightly over his chest, his cheeks a light pink.


AN: I hope you're enjoying my book, please leave a comment or a vote if you enjoyed the chapter. A quick reminder that I also take requests, so feel free to message me with any wonderful ideas :)

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