•• Secret ID ••

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AU: hero's have secret identities

AU: hero's have secret identities

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It had been 4 months since Todoroki had become a hero, however, as exciting as it was, he hadn't told anyone yet. Heroes didn't usually reveal their identities to others and Todoroki was no exception. "Ugh that's it, my brain can't study any longer, if I don't pass that physics test then it's impossible." Y/n sighed, pushing the book away from her and stretching out her her limbs.

"You know there are more passing grades aside from the A. You're not worried about passing, you're concerned about whether or not you'll get an A, and knowing you, you will." Todoroki says looking over at her from his spot on Y/n's bed. "A or nothing my friend" she retorts making the male roll his eyes and smile. "We should get something to eat" y/n sighed walking over to him.

He looked up from his book and up at her, "what do have you in mind?" He asked, not moving from the spot he was sitting in. "Good question" she sighs and sits next to him, pondering about what they should eat. The sound of the tv playing quietly on the background capturing his attention.

Mismatched eyes stared at the screen, now interested in the ongoing pursuit of a villain. "I just remembered, I have to go" he said in a lazy manner before standing up and setting the book down, earning a curious look from the girl. "You said you didn't have anything today though?" She said in a questioning tone, watching him slip his shoes back on.

"Sorry, I forgot. How about a rain check on the food, I'll buy you whatever you want next time" he offers, standing up and looking back at her, but pauses when he notices her face. "Why are you looking at me like that?" He asks, slightly confused by her face. "You're lying" she replies bluntly, her response taking him aback.

'Ok fair enough' he thought as he looked back at her. "I really have to go Y/n, Sorry, I'll make it up to you, I promise." He says before gathering his backpack and exiting her room. She groaned a bit as she listened to his footsteps echoing down the stairs, followed by the sound of the front door closing.


Todorki paused, noticing the familiar figure near the window. 'It's like 2 in the morning what is she even doing?' He wonders for a while staring at the window. His eyes move to the floor, taking notice of the pebbles on the ground. He quickly picked up a few, tossing them at the glass. After the second pebble, she drew back the curtain and looked down at him.

She stared at him for a second before walking away from the window, the front door opening not long after. "What are you doing idiot?" She asked, letting him step inside. "I honestly have no idea" he shrugged, looking down at the ground.

"Are you going to come in? It's freezing" she offers a kind smile as he walks into the house. She quickly closes the door and rushes to her room with Todoroki trailing behind her. "Sooo, you want to talk about it?" She asks, plopping down to sit on her bed. Todoroki stands at the door for a bit before stepping inside and sitting in the same spot he was sitting in earlier.

"I don't really know how to say this" he trails off, eyes staring down at his hands. He looks over at her and then averts his gaze again, "I'm a...hero..." there was a silence that prompted him to look up to see her face. He meets her surprised gaze, half expecting her break out in a laughing fit, saying to stop messing around. "Wait. So you're the new hero everyone's been talking about?"

He nods and smiles a bit, "You have no idea how many times I've wanted to tell you" she blinks, staring back at him, running the new information round and around in her mind. "You-oh my god, you're a hero" Todoroki couldn't help but smile at her reaction. The look on her face was a mixture of shock and excitement and he found it truly adorable.

Todoroki shifts a bit, his ears picking up the sound of her soft laugh, "ha! I'm best friends with a hero... I'm awesome" a soft smile graces his lips as he looks at her. "That you are" in that moment their eyes met, "Y/n, I l-" Todoroki started but stopped when he heard the sound of sirens, the red and blue lights coming in through the window as the cops drove by.

"You should go, they'll need you" she spoke barley above a whisper and he sighs, resting his head on her shoulder. "I know..." he pauses for a moment before heading off. He walks over to the window, opening it slightly before looking back at her.

She offers a kind smile which makes Todorki quickly walk back over to her and press his lips to hers in a quick kiss. "I'll come back right after, promise." He looks down at her as she gives back a small nod before climbing out the window and making his way through the city to deal with whatever villain was wreaking havoc now.


AN: I hope you're enjoying my book, please leave a comment or a vote if you enjoyed the chapter. A quick reminder that I also take requests, so feel free to message me with any wonderful ideas :)

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