•• Ne me quitte pas ••

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(Don't leave me)

(Don't leave me)

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It has been 3 months now since y/n had been accepted into UA high along with her childhood best friend Todoroki. It had also been a month since they last did much of anything together anymore. Lately she couldn't help but feel they had grown apart, sometimes it almost felt like he was ignoring her. It stung and she honestly couldn't think of a reason why he would ignore her so suddenly after knowing each other for so long.

Sighing quietly, she tapped her pencil on the desk and glanced to the desk beside her, the desk where she assumed Todoroki would've sat in, but instead there sat Bakugou. She continued spacing out until it was time for lunch. As Y/n puts her things away she notices Todoroki walk right by her and out of the classroom without saying a word or sparing her a single glance.

"Y/n you want to go get lunch with me today?" Uraraka asked and y/n agreed with a small smile. They both headed to the cafeteria and ate their food along with Tsuyu and Deku. Uraraka noticed how quiet Y/n had been and asked if anything was bothering her as they two walked back to the classroom. "He didn't eat lunch with me today, that's three days in a row... he really is ignoring me." The brunette offered a small hug and a reassuring, "I don't think he's doing it on purpose."

"I hope you're right"


It was around 7 p.m. and the sun was beginning to set. After a long day of training Todoroki was heading back to the dorms when he noticed someone else out in the training grounds. Curiously, he checks to see who it was before continuing on his way but stays when he realizes it was Y/n.

She looked tired, he could tell she had been out there training for a long time. He blinked in surprise as she crouched down all too suddenly. He was confused for a bit but then he heard her begin crying softly as she held her knees up to her chest. His gaze softened as he finally made his way over to her and placed a hand on her shoulder.

"It's late...Why are you crying out here by yourself?" He asked as she wiped her tears and replied with a quiet "it's nothing" but Todoroki wasn't having it. "You're crying, it's not nothing." He crouched down besides her and she turned to glare at him.  "As if you even care" her voice cracks a bit and Todoroki is a bit taken aback by her response but nonetheless reassures her that he does. "Of course I care."

"Shoto since we started at UA it's like you don't know me anymore. I get you're busy but you don't have to be such an ass and upright disappear like you did." Todoroki was surprised, he had no idea she felt that way, he had been so stuck in his own thoughts he hadn't even noticed he had been ignoring her. "I-I'm sorry. I didn't mean to ignore you like that y/n." He apologized and she just calmly replied with, "but you did Shoto."

Finally looking away from him, Y/n stood up and uttered, "Im leaving" just barely loud enough for him to hear. He quickly gets up after her and walks in front of her,  "Y/n wait, I'm sorry. I truly didn't want to make you feel that way, I really do care Im just not that good at showing it..." Upon hearing his words she seems even more hurt than she did earlier.

"You say that but honestly it feel like this is truly one sided" his eyes meet hers and he quickly assures her, "It isn't." She softly calls him a liar, feeling as if he was lying to her.  Pulling together his courage, he steps closer and places a soft kiss to her lips. "It's never been one sided Y/n."


AN: I hope you all enjoyed this book, please leave a comment or a vote if you enjoyed the chapter. Sadly this is the last update for this book. I will be working on other books if any of you are interested. Thank you all for your love and support and stay safe everyone :)

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